Assembler Disassembly mode

Lane shared this feedback 6 years ago

In the recent Survival Test beta, I noticed that Assemblers do not function in disassembly mode how they used to. I am not sure if this is an oversight, or is working as intended.

In Disassembly mode, with "repeat" selected on, an assembler would auto-queue whatever was placed in it for disassembly. This made it an effective recycler- just dump parts into a collector piped to the (dis)Assembler on the side of the garage, and it would auto churn through everything presented to it.

In the Survival Test version, this no longer occurs. Disassembly queues have to be manually entered. This would not be a big deal if, for example, there was a "disassemble all" function that a timer could trigger occasionally, but that is not currently possible- barring any scripting or mods.

I miss this little function of automation. Was its removal intentional?

Replies (1)


I have found that when you leave it in disassemble repeat mode enabled and then leave it or save and reload your game it switches back to assembly mode. If you had anything queued for disassembly, it would instead start producing it instead of disassembling it. Very frustrating when trying to clean you inventory of unwanted items.

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