Armor block is need Texture tool

KIM JONG MUN shared this feedback 6 years ago

Sorry to mention other games.

But it is greating idea

I wish Looking 'This System'

it is 'Empyrion Texture gun'

SE Armor has draw backs

because it is pretty simple

so player is adds a decoration block to the block

and Add numeric, character block mode

There is not enough English sentence. I wish I was well received.

Replies (3)


Would be awesome to see something like that in vanilla. Surely its not hard to add or gamebreaking.

Keen dont seem to give a shit about aesthetics.


Your English is good enough for your idea to be understood. It's something that we've all asked for before. A better way to paint the blocks. Composite blocks that allow us to add lighting, seating and control panels properly without taking up an entire 2.5 meter cube for each thing in the process.

Ironically one of the things that slows the game down is the massive ships people build in an attempt to give them some kind of interior space worth having. If Keen implemented better aesthetics and richer interior blocks. Ship sizes in many cases could be reduced and the game could potentially run better for it.

Even combining the functionality of several blocks would be a step forward. For example the Passageways mod gives us interior blocks with lighting, lcds, airvents, stairs, doors, button panels and airlocks built into a single block. Which means you don't need a 2.5 meter gap between decks. We can stack one deck right on top of the deck below it. The end result is a better looking interior, fewer blocks used and a more efficient use of space.


Thanks comment read And reply

You are right


Kevin thats a good point. could implement larger flat panels/armor/interior block (example 5 × 10 half block) that cover more area and use less blocks.

Not just 5 x 10 maybe 3 x 3, 5 x 5 and not just half blocks full as well.

I love the combined block idea. Like..., how is 1x1 airlock door (with 2 doors) or a merge block door not in Vanilla by now. Surely they have existed as mods already for years now.

Maybe if large blocks had a modular slot to fit small blocks (hallway block has 3×3×2 slot for O2 generator/battery) or (interior block/conveyor frame junction that you can run lge small grid conveyor and pipes through). Not just 1 slot but 2. Maybe 1 for something practical like air vent/generator and 1 for visuals sake like a light or lcd panel.

Small grid blocks may be less effiicient on a large grid but as you said ships may become smaller because of it requiring less anyway.

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