ANTIFA/BLM - Style CHAZ Zone set up on the STEAM Gaming Forums, and how they did it;

Lander1 shared this feedback 4 years ago

ANTIFA/BLM - Style CHAZ Zone set up on the STEAM Gaming Forums, and how they did it;

This story starts with this Steam Member here getting banned and going on a vendetta against the Forum Mod who banned him.

Not content with the response he got here as he was called out for lying about his reason for being banned, he then went and got his girlfriend/wife to "pull a Karen" here;

Which somehow grew traction in the community and culminated in this "petition" post here crying for leaniency;

The result is that the Forum Mods have had ther "teeth filed down" and are a lot less effective as they are now scared to use their own powers for fears of reprisal. The end effect is that these clowns now have their own "protected Chaz Zone" set up here, where every post is scanned by a mod(RayvenQ) with a fine tooth comb to make sure "nobody is upset". I can't even post here, I'd like to see the results if any of you try...

Replies (2)


The mods have their teeth filed down...

But are also sifting through all the submitted posts...

To protect an anti-mod thread.

Take a moment to at least make your conspiracy theory self-consistent before you try to make vaguely racist political connections.

Also, if this is some kind of suggestion for an addition to SE, it's by far the worst in a list that includes realistic water, defense shields, and a weapons expansion including several mild restats with different ammo types and handgun attachments.


Weirdest thing I've seen in a while. It's not a joke, I've posted nothing but the links and given a basic description of the narrative. The forum posts speak for themselves.


Nothing but the links and a basic description, you say?

"The result is that the Forum Mods have had ther "teeth filed down" and are a lot less effective as they are now scared to use their own powers for fears of reprisal. The end effect is that these clowns now have their own "protected Chaz Zone" set up here, where every post is scanned by a mod(RayvenQ) with a fine tooth comb to make sure "nobody is upset". I can't even post here, I'd like to see the results if any of you try..."

Truly the most basic and unbiased description I've ever seen. I especially liked when you accurately and unimpeachably identified one side as "clowns" and showed us the thoughts of the forum mods, verbatim. Also, the whole antifa/blm/chaz zone thing that you keep mentioning in all caps. Nope, no commentary to be found here.

The forum posts speak for themselves, and they don't always agree with you.


Something tells me you wouldn't be very good at a "connect the dots" puzzle either...


The fact that you resort to personal insults as soon as you get called out on a blatant misrepresentation says quite a bit about your intentions.

Anyway, the dots that I connect are that people keep complaining rightfully about Keen, Keen gets heavy-handed when the aforementioned people get repetitive and stop creating productive discussion, and it spirals out of control with debatably provable claims until someone suggests that a group primarily distinguished by their level of power have too much authority.

There's no reason to think that the mods have decided to pursue a course of action conflicting with both their supposed goals and opinions.


It's funny when a guilty person denies something so adamantly that they admit to it. So which one of those "peaceful protestors" are you?


The basic sequence of events isn't in question, but your last paragraph made absolutely no sense in any context except one in which, *maybe*, this group managed to activate enough of the community to get their own representative in the mods and threaten the others into submission. But RayvenQ was even one of the people they were complaining about, and the mods still have their powers. I'm not sure why you think that thread, which seems to have grown organically in a generally anti-mod direction, is being monitored by them at all.

And in the mean time, your only response has been to throw insults and allegations. After all, if I'm marked as having taken a side, it's much easier to pretend that I'm just shilling for someone.

Fine then. I'll take a side.

My understanding is that several players looked at Keen's history and tried to spread awareness. However, it got to the point where they kept complaining about the same thing rephrased repeatedly. The mods grew tired of this and took a heavy-handed approach to this, banning some of the people who were doing this.

I'll pause at this point to note two things:

These are valid criticisms. Keen does have a history of shady-at-best business practices and unfulfilled plans. The issue was that they devoted much of their time to promoting this on the forums, without all that much contribution otherwise.

Also, this approach to moderating isn't a problem by itself. I've seen this happen on several forums, where people avoid spamming rules by rephrasing the same or similar content and got banned without claims of mod abuse. But this was complicated by the fact that this was direct, nonconstructive criticism of Keen. The mods technically had a valid reason, as Keen couldn't act to improve their business history, and it came off as censorship of Keen's critics.

Because of a misunderstanding of how the Steam forums worked, this had more effects than intended. Which led to threads about mod abuse and petitions to unban.

I don't think either side is entirely in the right. I think that the users in question need to find another platform which allows criticism of that variety, and the mods need to be more transparent about their decisions.

And I don't think that any of your last paragraph is at all grounded in fact.


It isn't a normal post, It's an "echo chamber" for the "peaceful protesters". I have personally tried to post there twice and on both ocasions I was immediately intercepted by RayvenQ and had all evidence of my attempt to post there immediately deleted. "Don't upset them" I am told. You have a mod circling your "protest grounds" like a Dragon protecting it's egg. This is far from normal. What's really going on?


There are just a few things that don't fit with your story though, mainly that others have civilly posted various differing viewpoints without getting blocked by the mods. Given several facts about your attitude towards honest discussion, I have a theory that explains this. I'm out of patience, so I'll say it bluntly:

You're probably lying about the moderation, to some degree.

Your previous willingness to deflect honest inquiry and distort the facts to fit your own narrative makes me doubt that the mods told you not to upset a thread filled with already-upset users. It's more likely that RayvenQ told you off for excessive language, personal insults, or other attempts to escalate toxicity (which seem likely given the language used in your original post), and you took it as opposition to your opinion instead. This explains why RayvenQ supposedly said "don't upset them" when that would make absolutely no sense in context; it's a favorably edited version of "don't spew insults at them".

Then, instead of thinking more about this, you decided that it was "proof" that the mods were sufficiently scared by several angry users that they had made a complete reversal. The other option was having to admit that you were wrong, which you've already shown aversion to by doubling down on the "protestor" accusation instead of even acknowledging my stance on this issue. There was barely any penalty for admitting that it was misplaced, so why admit to yourself that a comment's language was uncalled for and overly toxic?

This story of overinflated ego and fixed mindset makes an order of magnitude more sense than one of the directly accused mods suddenly becoming so afraid of a vocal but tiny minority that they completely switched sides, but avoided any kind of public statement about this. Even less so than your constant attempts to tie this in with politics, which points to the idea that you might be seeing the few parallels between this situation and the one that the alt-right desperately wants you to believe, and using these people as a stand-in for BLM protestors.

As this is intended to be a suggestions forum, I would like to suggest that you attempt to post there again, but without the personal insults, ridicule, and/or opinion assignment that you seem all too ready to use here. I'd also recommend losing the tenuous political connections and checking your assumptions before leaping to unlikely scenarios.


Fascinating, so I may post there but only if I post in a way that is pleasing to "the protestors". Isn't that "filtered speach" and in fact haven't you created an untouchable post that is completely biassed towards your viewpoint? This isn't free speach. You can't go around using forum mods to go giving out punnishments for "thought crimes".


As far as RayvenQ is concerned, his story is that he's just trying to keep it quiet in there long enough for you all to "fall asleep" and no longer be an issue to him. Do you think he knows what he is actually doing for you or is he an unwitting participant?


I think I've made myself clear, and you aren't responding so much as repeating your previous conspiracy theory with additional accusations of tyranny. I don't think there's any further reason to respond, as the above material already shows my opinion and you've refused to consider anything but the idea that the entire world is working together and trying to silence the one true viewpoint for ever-more-convoluted reasons.

Feel free to copy/paste my above responses as prompts for that. I see you've already gotten started on that with the help of a little imagination.


The only problem with your inferring that this is all theory and baseless accusation is the very real trail of evidence of it actually happening.

How do you explain away all the facts and the trail of physical evidence of this "theory" having actually occured?


You do realize that this form of subversion attack on authority has a very distinctive BLM fingerprint to it don't you? That combined with your initial attemt at labelling me "racist" in your first post and the fact you've brought up BLM twice since...


Wait.. so you're saying that Dan has no dick?

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