Add continously digging to shipdrills shortcutbar collection

Simpson3k shared this feedback 3 years ago

Its really a fingercramp thing to dig tunnels with a ship into asteroids. You have to keep clicking LMB, you have to keep pressing ALT to not accidently rotate your ship via mouse while pressing LMB and you have to move your ship with WASD. How much easier would it be if you could put a continously digging to the shortcutbar, activate it and leave the mouse aside unless you want to rotate the camera in- or outside your ship wich would make ALT less important either.

Replies (1)


Can't we already to this ? (Group drills and add the On/Off control to the toolbar? )


Nope that only works for the mining mode


LMB is mining mode (collect ressources) as far I as know. Did you mean RMB (dig a large hole, faster, without collecting anything)?

As far as I know, the On/Off toggle on drills act as holding the LMB (That is what I've been using on my ships for a few years)


*head-table* yes wow how embarrassing, epic fail.. i mean uhm RMB


In that case, I do support your suggestion ;)

(I'm one of those who rarely use RMB when drilling, but I clearly see that it could be usefull)


Yes guys, having a proper function for continous RMB drilling would be nice. But there is a trick: hold RMB, press enter for chat, release RMB, press enter to leave chat, drills continue without holding button. Now you can WASD and switch 1st / 3rd person, BUT it resets when switching to a turret or camera and the like.

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