activate remote blocks with broadcasting + hotkeys to your hotbar

Steve Stylistic Sollie shared this feedback 6 years ago

Broadcasting is an awsome feature in space engineers wich due to it's difficult accesability is used far to little especially for smal tasks.

This could be used much better if we where able to hotkey blocks from remote grids (simular like you can do now when piloting a ship and using blocks of that grid) and do actions with it. It would also be cool if your engineer itself can have this option to quikly turn on/off pretty much everything and i should not have to say what a great use this would make for timer blocks.

If the broadcasting link would be broken for whatever reason (antenna off, out of range, etc) this hotkeyd blocks could turn grey so you see you can no longer acces them.

Another cool thing wich really gives long range broadcasting a reason to exist would be that sensors of a grid would be able to activate blocks on another grid perhaps 40km away.

This could create very interesting security systems without ever having to use a script.

some cool things this could much more easily do and would no longer need sensors:

-open/close/on/off doors, hangars, gravity fields, lights, warheads, timer blocks

-with thrust override fly your ships while walking on it and stay in control while youkeep welding/grinding at the same time

-operating creative machienery with pistons and rotors

-piloting a remote grid with just one click

All of these things now require you to be in a cockpit of the grid or have done at least 4 clicks t acces it via remote control. I really hope this feature comes along someday.

Any toughts either by the dev's or the community?

Best Answer

I wish I could upvote this 1000 times over. It would save sooooooo much time when building and debugging mechanical systems if I could activate them without having to dig through the control panel every time.

Replies (15)


That's actually a great idea!

I often remotly open my hangar doors but it takes forever to get there!

The possibilities with seperate grids communication with each other would give endless new options!


so G menu with revamped access to remote grids via a drop down selection box, and once selected, provides the G menu for said remote grid. I like it!


Yes, people have wanted this for a long time. Please add it Keen!


This is done by using scripts but you can feel the satisfaction of not having to go trough all the menu's.

And imagin this also being possible by just your engineer.

Running our base with clicks as long as you are within 200m broadcast range. Turning on/off refineries assemblers, open doors switching gravity generators and many many more without the need of unneeded menu clicks.


indeed. the script i use is very not user friendly, as you need to code your actions you want it to do. however, there is other script that has everything coded.


It would yet be better if this is possible with no scripts at all. That it is just part of the game.

Since all of these commands can be hotkeyed on the same grid i think in programmer coding it can't be hard to add a button to acces blocks on a remote grid. In the end this suggestion would add little ove what we have now (exept for the grid's communication to each other) It would just make everything much more easily accesible and so it will also be used much more where people now often only build antennas for decoration purpuses not for actual usage.


p.s. another thing wich this can do:

Adding a hotkey while in a passenger seat to immidiatly control a remote control drone...

Most seasend engineers never bother with using cockpits but all of them are now forced to seperatly open the remote control menu, search the right ship before they control there drone EVERY single time they want to use it.


Hello, thank you for the good idea. Lets see how popular it gets by voting.


Automatization is one of the main aspects of this game. Adding binding to remote actions would highly increase players abilities while the concept does not look very complicated.

(Found this topic googling same abilities)


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times over. It would save sooooooo much time when building and debugging mechanical systems if I could activate them without having to dig through the control panel every time.


I was about to submit similar feedback but ended up voting here.

I already thought antennas allowed remote actions called from Buttons, Sensors and Timer Blocks, so had to rethink some designs when I discovered that wasn't the case.


Making a button to open your space station hangar door from your ship without going into the menu >going to you ships list > connect to the station > search for your hanger door, scroll down and press open? Yes please!


Bump? Not sure if that works here. This NEEDS to be a vanilla feature. I find it absolutely astonishing that this vital function is only available via Whip's SHART script.


It would also be cool if sensors and timer blocks could activate other block groups on other grids as well.


Isn't this implemented with Signal update?

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