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ability to enter specific values for sliders Without Needing CTRL-clicking

Curtis V Durrenberger shared this feedback 2 years ago

one thing i find annoying and want implemented, is that there is to way to enter a value on any component, by default, a box to enter a specific value in the control panel menu without needing to ctrl-Click

(example being the degrees of the hinges and rotors turn) that's not just for those, but every slider in game should have a place to enter specific values, and adjust them if accidentally overestimating power/rotation/speed/output/intensity, etc of a particular block

Replies (1)


There already is. Use Ctrl+Click on the slider.


Updated it


Well, with Keen's keenness to do anything about their abomination of a UI … good luck with that request.


I miss when it was early development, where they actually cared


You, the good old days. Now people complain and report stuff and nothingh happens. My be t is they are working on somethingh ealse and there are very few people, if any, working on SE.

I wouldnt be surprised if soon they abandon it completly, like they did all their other games.


Not saying one has to like the consequences, of course, but unfortunately we still are all slaves to our wallets, including games creators.


Fixing mayor bugs and adding new (functional) game content would shurely be an investment that would refill their wallets.

A happy customer spends more.

Cant realy expect people to spend money when they, of me for example, put a piston on a rotor and 3 drills on top of that and it explodes every server restart :D


At the risk of taking the Devil's Advocate position: I am sure Keen are just as well aware of the benefits of a game being in a satisfactory state as you are, but as much as they keep getting flak for how unsatisfactory it is in places, and as much as, again, nobody expects the player to turn a blind eye and unequivocally accept and like a luxury item (as opposed to a daily necessity) against all evidence, it would be unfair to not acknowledge their having to adhere to the same inescapable constraints of economy that apply to all of us.

Can't win them all, mate. :)

(Of course, that's not to say that all of those decisions necessarily took the most dedicatedly optimal option. I mean, eff Xbox. "Let's have two mediocre games when we could concentrate the available resources into making one game a good one." Woohoo.)


Not shure i understand corectly, but if you are referring to their inability to correct some ingame bugs with "having to adhere to the same inescapable constraints of economy that apply to all of us"

By my calculation it would cost no more if keen people did their jobs and did fixes or dont do them and just sit in the office all day. It would actualy be beneficial for Keen as a company to pay its employees by efect. No fixes done, no pay at the end of the month.

There are many people in the world who need to get the job done, myself included, in order to get paid.

Lets end this offtopic debate here, friend, and see what the next update brings, when it brings it.

From what i understand we are in for a lot of fixes, which i salute.


What I mean to say is not that they're unable, as in, not having skills to, but that their capacities are limited, for whichever reason this may be. It's easy to mock them, but that doesn't magically increase the workload they can get done with what they have just because players say they can or should or ought to. Those calculations of yours, be prepared to actually show it. The data available to a third party like you and I is necessarily incomplete due to us only being able to see what's released. Or do you have accurate and up-to-date numbers of employees, sales, expense, and salary figures, unreleased projects, and whatnot? I dare to doubt so.

But alas, as you say, let's make the best out of what we have and also may get with the next update. Notwithstanding votes on feedback which at best can influence how Keen redistributes available capacities, it's not like our requests are actually contractual requirements ordered and billed for.

(Sorry for highjacking your request with this meta-discussion, Curtis.)


No Worries, I agree it's frustrating


I am sorry too Cutris. got a bit off topic there :)

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