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A problem with the game what confuses me.

bill shared this feedback 2 years ago

you try to make the game realistic in terms of weight - thrust out put - so on so forth but i noticed something what confuses me what's the point of making realistic designs when you can just slap thrusters not get punished aero-dynamicly for your design choices, get added lift for having wing spans or reduced radar cross sections for being armoured having thrusters hidden so on its just weird how can it be a realistic game why bother.

Steam Workshop::Cepheus PX-1 Kestrel - Atmo Fighter (

Steam Workshop::BSE - PT 01 Stealth fighter Jet - No Mods - (

my creation for example why would you bother hiding thrusters and do smoother contouring to allow air to flow over the design better or why even have wings it just dose nothing i no your making a weapons pack DLC cool and all but stop adding a realistic feel to the game if its unrealistic just feels weird and defeats the purpose of even trying just some food for thought for your team thanks.

Replies (7)


like it would be good to see in a future update - a wing span generates better lift to reward people who armour there designs well - hidden thrusters generate less radar detection - smoother designs well armoured have better air flow to give them a edge for design capability's if radar or weapon tracking works well the smoother design is harder to lock onto or detect in general like shit like that would be nice to see.


like i don't mind the kestrel being thrusters slapped on compacted into a flying meat ball, but design capability air flow - drag - lift should be principles that are fundamental the closer it gets to realism is not a bad thing it will mean meat ball will still be meat ball but you can also get rewarded for building like a human just be saying marek.


improved combat is a step in the right direction regardless like what i mentioned should not even be a DLC and just be integrated into the game but you can attach a price tag to it, its more along the lines if your capable with the current engine of the game to make that possible it can be a big expansion just put a 20 dollar price tag on it people pay alot for simulators just to attain air crafts to fly, there's just so much things that can be better top speeds also another issue.


if i'm asking for alot and its unrealistic with the current engine or you just have no desires to push your game to the next level that's fine but i would rather no were you plan to head if this will even be considered as reasonable or achievable at that.


like in realistic terms the shape should influence , smoother armour , wing span like when a ships complete and takes off into the air it should be assigned a stealth rating based on armour defects if radar becomes a thing or lock on split it in to pieces 4 pieces rear front sides stealth rating, and realistic air flow over the armour of a ship will hinder or assist in straight lines or turning and if your designs fat and a meat ball it stops quicker how the shape reacts to air flow like a wing span can assist in banking climbing so on so forth, if the designs a meat ball and turning it will be impacted by air flow and drop some speed but a winged and smoother craft gets more in that term the meatball will still be better engineered in terms of raw size - thruster ratio but it adds a layer of complexity were you can be rewarded and maybe be on par or greater then just based on design skills compared to a flying sausage.


and if greater speeds are introduced to the game dangling or not tightly secured parts like lets use meat ball for example is going 300 MPS and turns at high speed but aerodynamic forces increase and make it harder for the shape to turn into that amount of wind force and a ship can break apart if not built well enough at higher speed if it try's to turn to hard it forces people to make better designed ships.


a ship can be assigned a safe speed based on design integrity max cap speed before parts may become loose and fall of if just dangling parts and if you choose to exceed that speed like lets say your ships assigned a rating of 150 MPS or 250 mps or max speed 300 mps your ship could break under stress if its just thrusters on a cockpit at that point.

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