[REQUEST] Blueprint categories/infos in workshop

Scytero shared this feedback 5 years ago

Dear Keen,

I've been playing this game for years now, not at least because of the manifold blueprints in the workshop. But what I miss is some kind of categorization on what the builds are for. Can I use a ship in atmosphere, doesn it usee hydrogen, is it "survival-ready". Also, as I'm playing on servers a lot, it is very relevant nowadays, how big a build is (in block counts) and how many PCUs it uses up.So, I request yoiu to add tags/labels and a temaplte for technical infos (or automated analyzation on upload like for used mods) of blueprints. Here some example options:

  • Survival ready / Needs Creative Mode
  • Space vehicle
  • Atmosphic vehicle
  • Driveable (Wheeled) vehicle
  • Contraption
  • Has Weapons
  • Has Industrial Systems

Data to be given automatically:

  • Small Grid/Large Grid/Combined
  • Used PCUs
  • Blockcount
  • Dimension (in blocks)

Also it would be fine, if this infos can be used as filter option on blueprint selection ingame (F10).

I hope you will consider this, as I'm sure I'm not the only one, who would like to have this feature.

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