Turn sorters off if in infinite loop

Feddas shared this feedback 4 years ago

Currently a sorter in a closed loop will eventually pull from the same inventory that it is using as the destination for its sorted materials. This will create an infinite loop as the sorter pulls and places items in the same inventory again and again. @Malware has mentioned that this is a performance concern for server admins, https://forum.keenswh.com/threads/sorters-in-vanilla.7403421/

Suggestion: If a sorters destination inventory is the same as the inventory it's pulling from, cancel the pull and turn the sorter off until the grids inventory is dirty.

This would likely resolve this bug https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/general/topic/1-189-041conveyor-sorters-pulling-against-their-flow

It would also enable grid builds that could support the feature request in


Replies (2)


i'm having this issue and created a bug for it here where I detailed exactly how a got the issue to happen.



Fully agree,

To Simplify:

Access Point for goods \

                          [ storage ] --> [ Sorter ] --> [ Storage ]

                                   \ <----------------------- /

Seem silly to pull from it' self. It should consider it's source and destination when they are the same, don't, or rather exclude the any source if is or could be the destination.



Thanks for adding a comment Deek! Sadly Keen commented "Won't fix" on the link Denzel J Holmes added to a duplicate of this issue. The reason was adding a "if (source == destination) exit;" condition was too complex to integrate.

At least Keen knows a growing number of people are interested and have a save file demonstration (https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/pc/topic/infinite-loop-with-conveyor-sorter#comment-48615).

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