PCU Management Idea. Turned off blocks shouldn't count toward PCU total.

Engi shared this feedback 5 years ago

So with the new PCU requirements so unbelievably low at 10,000 PCU. I have became a PCU miser. I have resorted to partial grinding of blocks to make them none functional and reduce their PCU down to 1 since an unfinished block only counts as 1 PCU. I then quick click weld to put the parts back in but don't weld past function so I can quickly throw a welder over them to get them working again. I do this when the blocks are not needed now but will be needed at another time. This way when I need to do certain tasks and not others, I can manage the PCU use.

My idea is to make it so when you turn a block off, its PCU drops to 1 so that rather than running all around inside and out of my ship to grind and weld stuff, I can quickly mange my PCU use. This will help keep PCU under control but make it quick and convenient for the player.

For example, my mobile safe zone station, when it is a station, and it is most of the time, I grind down the gyro, all the thrusters, the landing gear and the control seat and the parachute blocks.

This saves me about 900 PCU and I can now throw a rotor/piston/drill setup on my primary ship or the station to do some mining. Or I can add some extra H2 tanks to the outside of my primary ship to haul some gas to sell to other players or build small scouting craft for short hops when my primary ship is too big for the task. Or I can buy a small 1000 pcu ship form the NPC store to do scouting or local hauling when my primary ship is not necessary.

It would be great if I could just shut those blocks off rather than grind and weld them. Good idea right? Maybe have a PCU counter on the HUD somewhere rather than have to go into the G screen to check it.

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