Public Test (Latest) Question about the short timeframe for access

Dejavroom shared this feedback 5 years ago

After speaking with a Developer Dan2D3D I've been made aware that players acutally want this public test branch to go away. From what i've been told, Players want keen to "Test" this update.. (That is on a TESTING Branch..) So that's why they only keep it up for a certain amount of time.

Now I fail to see the reasoning here. This update is not hitting main branch for a long time. I can understand the reasoning "We don't want a broken update on main branch, So test your S**T Keen!" But the whole idea of an Opt-in Testing branch is exactly what this kinda stuff is for. Having players on routinely playing and breaking the game for testing purposes is ONLY A benefit. Especially since it's segregated in a different branch you have to go looking for to join.

If someone can explain to me the logic behind this apparently unanimously decided plan of only giving testers the material for a few days then waiting a month PLEASE comment. I'm all for discussion but I firmly oppose the idea of taking away the testing branch for such a huge update. It only offers benefits in my eyes.

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