Targeting control

Jappards shared this feedback 5 years ago

Since the programmable block has been moved to experimental, there is no longer a reliable way of creating rotor turrets and drones on servers with those turned off. Sensors are finicky with making a grid point at a player and have a max range of 50m and that doesn't work for most player missiles.

Even if you are using a PB for a rotor turret or drone, you either have to raycast, which is incredibly performance heavy(and requires a wall of cameras) or you have to rely on turret range. While turret range is fine for rotor turrets, it doesn't work for drones. You get 800m away and the lock on is lost. Another problem with using turrets is the designator itself, which doesn't allow for multiple targets and has issues with your turrets firing on your own ship. The clear issue here is making a grid target another reliably, let's fix that.

The targeting control block is a block, similar to the remote control block that allows the ship to target another grid, voxels or characters. When it has no target, it won't do anything. When a target is within range, it will attempt to point the ship at the target using the ship's gyroscopes or steer the suspension to that direction.

There are two action slots, a lock on and a lock off slot. These will be triggered when the targeting control engages or disengages a target. The max range is 2.5 km. While the targeting control's autopilot is on, the remote control's autopilot cannot be turned on and vice versa.

There would also be a predictive movement setting. It will have three options: off, gatling and rocket. This option will offset its targeting to make gatling or rockets easier to hit.

As for targeting settings, they will be similar to turrets, except for one option: the ability to target ores. Targeting ores does requires an ore detector on the grid in order to work. This would allow for automated mining ships in combination with a timer and remote control.

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