Suggestion for all Keen Vanilla servers:

Janek Briel shared this feedback 4 days ago
Not Enough Votes

I know that servers are usually more concerned with performance than player wishes...

- Reduce the number of players to 12

- Either increase the PCU per player to 25,000 - 30,000,


Replace the PCU with a maximum number of blocks per player of 20,000.

- Limit the number of grids per player (2 - 4 large grids, 2 - 4 small grids)

- Maximum number of blocks for refineries, assemblers, O2 generators to 5 per player, for rotors, pistons and hinges 10 per player.

- Enable switching of the inertia tensor for pistons, hinges and rotors. (improves handling and stability and reduces uncontrolled behavior of blocks)

- Turn off vibration of tools (has a negative impact on performance)

- Reduce visibility to 10,000

- NPC: Activate random encounters and cargo ships

- Reduce spawn rate to a minimum

- Activate planetary encounters if it is deactivated (unfortunately this cannot be seen in the server details of the Keen Vanilla servers)

Especially since it makes no sense to me to first rework and expand the NPCs, but not activate this VANILLA function on the Vanilla servers. This means that part of the fun of the game is lost. At least the ones on planets should be active.

But if it is because the servers are perhaps too weak for this, perhaps some servers should be turned off and the performance of the others increased.

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Additionally, increase the player inventory to x10 so 4000

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