Sugestion: Modular Medbay DLC

Warle Šourek shared this feedback 2 months ago
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Basicaly med bay would be sliced to 3 or more part with Survival kit, Charger block, Cosmetics block, and Cryo chamber. You can ad some skins to put chery on top. Those are my main ideas, and next are just thoughts that im not even sure are possible to implement to game , Healing gun, Chemical shower,and what ever you have in mind to ad that is possible.

Modular Medbay is here not to get rid of curent med bay, but to ad freedom to building, which this game excel in.

And here are blocks and stuf rewriten to little detail that i can think of.


Survival kit : Will have same funcionality as now but will be meant as starter point for progression, and have more connection points so we can connect another blocks from DLC

Charger block : Will have same funcionality as now, charge oxygen, energy, and hydrogen but without abillity to respawn, so we can place it around our bases or ships without fear of respawning on wrong place.

Cosmetics block: Will have same funcionality as now, changing skins but again without respawn abillity and more than one connection.

Cryo chamber: Again same funcionality but with more connections. You may ask why new cryo chamber? And i say why not?

Skins: Just some cool looking medical skin.


Healing gun: As the name sugest healing gun heals, and shooting people and healing them could be fun :)

Chemical shower: This one can look like shower and make smoke effect. In adition i would totaly use it in airlock areas if it can make smoke.

Thank you for your time reading this, and i hope this is not totaly stupid idea.

Replies (2)


Should the charger block have its own storage for oxygen and hydrogen? If it does, it may be used a lot.


That is good idea Suu, it would be nice to refuel bottles at recharge station, without searching thru countles H2 and O2 tanks.


A separate charging and refuelling block would be a nice addition. I saw this suggestion already. I tend to overspam medical rooms just for the convenience of fast charging throughout the base in survival, but they are big and quite hard to integrate well.


I have opossite problem, as you said they are big and hard to integrate so i build like one or two and then walk long distance, to get to it.

Edit: And honestly i would like to see more modular variants of other things. (refinery, thrusters, cockpit, etc.)

I hope i will see those in SE2 because of new grid system opens new ways of building.

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