A Localization BUG。NO BroadcastController

Treean Sniper shared this bug 2 months ago
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HI。Your employee made a mistake.

A word 'Group' is missing. Causing the item name of the broadcast controller to not be displayed correctly.

I need a huge turret. Look, this is a warship inside the Halo.

It is equipped with a turret with three gun barrels.




Replies (1)


Hello, Engineer!

We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

We can confirm that both DisplayName_BlockGroup_BroadcastControllers and DisplayName_Block_BroadcastController lines should be present in the localization and the latter is used to display individual block names in the terminal.

Could you please let us know what language you're using? We have not observed any issues with Broadcast Controller in Chinese on the latest version of the game available on our side.

Are you using any mods?

Could you please Verify integrity of game files via Steam for us?

Regarding the suggestion for new turret, please don't hesitate to create a Feedback ticket. If it gathers enough votes, it will automatically be submitted for consideration.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House



Regarding the language version. I tested my English. Czech and Chinese. No Display Name_Slock_Sroadcast Controller was found.


MOD? I have been making Chinese mods. Correct your incorrect translation.

So it was discovered that the Sroadcast Controller item was not translated.

And tested multiple languages. There is no entry for this item inside.


I have been proposing turret mods for many years. Many times.


The employee in charge of Localization files in your company is using Google Translate Chinese.

Now? Your Localization file has many translation errors..

Normal people know. Translate Czech into English and then into Chinese using Google Translate software.

The Chinese at this point may not have the correct meaning.

I want to communicate with you and ask you to handle the translation error. It's very difficult.

So. I can only create repair files myself. Publish repair files through MOD method.



I know junior employees won't care about me. But a few years ago, we still communicated via email to fix bugs and provide new suggestions.

Please check the time of the email in the picture.

I have been contacting you almost every year since then to request new turrets.

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