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Sensor Range for RADAR

Gage Meawasige shared this feedback 3 months ago
Not Enough Votes

I've been thinking of an idea to get some sort of radar systems into the games. LIDAR isn't really viable do to the performance cost and the speed of the ray casting. My suggestion is to be able to modify the sensor ranges to "borrow" area from it's other directions. Right now a sensor can extend up to 50 meters in all directions, which gives a total scan-able area of 100m cubed. If we could set the other dimensions lower to be able to increase the total distance of another area we could have a RADAR type system while keeping the "detection area" equal or lower than the current maximum. Technically we could have a 10,000m x 1m x 100m area that still keeps the original 100m^3 area. Then we could have a rotating scanning "beam" with a much more usable range. Obviously power usage should scale based off of the longest dimension. I also think that there need to be some obvious restrictions to the range, probably 5km or so or the servers sync distance. In some of the modded sensors I know asteroid detection is trouble some. Perhaps disable it past a certain point?

Replies (2)


While I do like the idea of this, we already sort of have a radar range that extends that far. Depending on the size of the surface patch of ore, you can spot that ore on an asteroid at whatever range the asteroid loads in at. So the game does have a way to transmit the presence of ores incredible distances. What we actually need is a way that isn't barely noticeable with singular ore patches. Maybe put veins of ores that run throughout asteroids, and you can see the crisscrossing patterns from afar, but you need the ore detector to find sizable nodes within? Possibly add a new layer to refining, I dunno.


I wasn't really referring to ore detectors (which in my opinion need larger ranges). What I was trying to get as is the ability to detect other grids via the scripting interface. At the moment you can use the cameras ray casting function to detect and gather information about an entity, but that is either super slow or takes alot of cameras.


lack of radar, and sensor suites and stock information available through screens is not up to par. we should have a radar block that shows us the read out, targetingg block that could show you thier systems % like in FTL. just anything to give the player more info andd somehting to do inbetween waypoints on long journeys.

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