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Delete grid abuse on Unidentified Signals in Multiplayer

ZaS Shrakker shared this feedback 3 months ago
Not Enough Votes

I have a post on here about "make pirating great again", that explains a few ideas I had regarding the pcu authorship system and improvements that could get made. I had written that post 8 months ago and with this latest patch I just want to say, thank you so much. I feel like the new system has really paved the way to perfection but there's still a few kinks to be worked out.

The number one issue I have is that today I went to an unidentified signal and there was a player already there (it was maybe 4-5 min after the signal had spawned in). I thought, this should be fun we'll have some pvp action (aka player interaction). Then I killed them and guess what? Yes, just about 7-8 seconds later the entire Unidentified Signal station around me vanished into the void instantly.

It's one thing to be able to yoink your own grid when someone attempts to hijack it but to show up first to an unidentified signal just so you have the rights to delete it if anyone else should try to get it also is proof that there needs to be some slight changes to where when someone hits the delete button on their grid, if there is another player nearby or maybe if that player owns some blocks on that grid then there is a transfer option that is given at that moment.

One idea that comes to mind is a prompt that says, "this grid is currently in check by another player and may only be unclaimed" at which point if they choose to unclaim, it switches to a mode of being back to the way it was before the player had claimed it, or if it's a grid a player created it goes into a mode where it's claimable but the blocks on it no longer operate until it's claimed OR the timer is reduced to something like 90 seconds or 120 seconds (this is to prevent potential over pcu abuse by factions trying to simulate a theft between members so they can temporarily get more pcu).

I feel that currently the delete grid button is OP and that if someone wants to wield power like that they should have to earn it by rigging their grid up with warheads that they have control over to self destruct if need be. I also know that the delete grid button is a necessity to be able to manage lost blocks and so I am all for it being used in these types of scenarios, I just don't think it should be a way to "get the last laugh".

Replies (3)


You got beat to the signal and the person who claimed it was in the " if i cant have it nobody can " mood.

And you are now angry?

Maybe you contact them and do signals together rather than deleting the grids in the future. Its better each gets half the loot than you both get nothingh.


I'm not angry, I'm disappointed that the way they denied the site was so immersion breaking. They just hit a button and then everything vanishes? They should have to earn that right by rigging warheads. Or a conflict could have ensued, that would've been most entertaining. Instead it was just a cop out and the whole thing vanishes.


What 404 said. This guy is a self described "PvP'r". Shows up at USs just to deny other people Prototech all day long (in his way). Raids others for Prototech blocks he then wants to use as his own. And gets mad others delete blocks they own and count against their PCU limit instead of saying "ggs and let me transfer the PCU to you". This is a horrible suggestion.

They delete the grid to deny you the prototech scrap as they can do nothing else. Plain and simple.


> I just don't think it should be a way to "get the last laugh".

There is also an issue of people 'capturing' your ship or base then deleting it before you have a chance to return and retake it. A player logged in, started building a base, went to mine, then a griefer came in, captured and deleted the base. Over a hour of work just gone. 'Delete' shouldn't be instant in such case.

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