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NPC Stations need names

Jennkryst shared this feedback 3 months ago
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When you get a bunch of stations in your database, navigating them is a chore. Even changing the GPS interface with folders and such would not necessarily solve this problem, but making it so when they are spawned in they are given a name pulled from some database, would solve a small bit of the current GPS problem.


By naming each station, it becomes easier to search for it. You could rename it yourself, but then you will inevitably end up with duplicates if you add the same station again from a new source. Additionally, assuming the GPS interface is changed, it would not make selecting the correct station any easier via the Jump Drive interface.


I am not a coder, but I assume this would not take a change in anything in the engine itself, just a bit in the econ/station spawner section.

Replies (1)


You need to paste them from datapads one by one, jump there and rename the GPS to like Mars orbit, or Earth surface, or somethingh to define it . Puting only the 4 letter faction name and "- Station" in its name is just lazy from Keen.


Yes, this is fine, until I get another datapad with the same coordinates and I jump there and find out... I've already been there.


Maybe add a randomizer with greek letter name and 3 digits, like "FCAL - Station Alpha 052" or "FCAL - Station Gamma 369".

Pretty a lot of variety:

1. Alpha 2. Beta 3. Gamma 4. Delta 5. Epsilon 6. Zeta
7. Eta 8. Theta 9. Iota 10. Kappa 11. Lambda 12. Mu
13. Nu 14. Xi 15. Omicron 16. Pi 17. Rho 18. Sigma
19. Tau 20. Upsilon 21. Phi 22. Chi 23. Psi 24. Omega
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