Interior turrets are not at all balanced for infantry combat

József Szabó shared this feedback 2 days ago
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Interior turrets are supposed to be anti-personnel turrets, but they are too good at that. By the time the player spots the turret, he is already dead. You could argue, that they can be countered with drones, but drones don't fit most interiors and that's when a squishy meatsack has to grab arms and get to work.

The issue is with the pin-point accuracy, the damage they deal to the player and their practically instant targeting in close quarters combat. They all need to be balanced for infantry combat.

Gatling and other turrets are supposed to be lethal against players, because they are built for ship-to-ship combat, but interior turrets are not. They are basically AP turrets, but their stats are not balanced for infantry combat.

This causes scenarios and Factorum encounters to be not challenging, but borderline infuriating when it comes to infantry combat. I'm not the best, but I also don't suck at FPS games and yet, I end up constantly dying as soon as I enter an interior with an interior turret, because as soon as I get into it's range, it locks on, fires and kills me in 1-2 rounds. The player has no chance to process what he sees and practically gets no reaction window.

The fact, that most Factorum encounters are dark as pitch, makes it even more infuriating, because most of the time I can't even see the turret as my flashlight has the range of a phone flashlight, meaning I have even less of a reaction window, than I would have if I had the chance to at least see it.

Even if interior turrets remain unbalanced, a handheld riot shield, that could whitstand 5-10 AP rounds, but would shatter from 1 gatling round could give some reaction window.

I can't emphasize it enough: Interior turrets are AP turrets, so they should be balanced as such or have some way to counter them, otherwise it will generate frustration, not challange.

I have many-many thousand hours in Space Engineers, but each time I try my luck at a Factorum interior or a scenario, I end up asking myself if I even need this in my life. I really want to enjoy it and I'm trying to, but dying from a bullet, that was fired the millisecond I entered the room makes it anything, but fun.

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