Add a slider for ambient sound volume.

error 404 shared this feedback 5 months ago
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I have developed tinitus in my left ear and the ambient sounds around functional blocks have become seriously annoying, to the point of pain. I now mostly play without my headsets or speakers.

Could you create a seperate slider for all the humming and buzzing sounds, including thrusters, so people can turn it down if it gets too loud. I doubt its working as intended, or if you intended it like this idk, you might want to rethink it.

In all real industries much is invested in keeping sound levels down and personal protective gear to keep it from damaging worker's hearing. I dont see why in your game it would be the exact opposite.

I noticed this was suggested before, please do not mark it as duplicate, just forward it to the devs.

Replies (4)


I support this idea. While personally I don't suffer from tinnitus it'd still be pretty useful at times to be able to configure the game sounds a bit more in-detail.


Same as above, I don't personally suffer with a hearing issue but I have family who suffer with things like colour blindness and lots of programs cater for that as they should also do for hearing difficulties.


The constant sound of thrust does get pretty tiresome when cruising for 4 hours.


+1 and hopefully this will include the sound we hear while inside a cryo chamber

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