Beacon info

error 404 shared this feedback 48 days ago
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Please include beacon info in Jump drive's selection menu. Not just distance.

It would make selection easier.

Replies (1)


Ideally I would like to be able to look at the beacon/antenna/gps point and "lock it", then add a simple function to the jump drive to jump to the selected point. Rotate your ship to look at desired point, lock it and hit the hotbar slot number to start jumping. And to be fair, locking a point can be useful in countless other ways. H key could switch to show only locked point. Sometimes the amount of antennas and beacons around you is just too overwhelming. Another way is to be able to trigger AI behaivors based on locked target. There is already locking feature in the game, but for some reason it is not working on distant gps points. The sapce travel in almost all other games involves this simple thing to lock the remote target and start moving/jumpong/cruising/whatever towards it...

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