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Interior Turrets are Snipers

Vas Vadum shared this feedback 4 months ago
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Its entirely impossible to defeat an interior turret on foot. I took a break from the game for a few years, and come back to find that interior turrets are god mode defense systems that require you to be in a ship to defeat. I can't use a precision rifle to shoot them before they can oneshot me. How has this not been reported before? In fact there's even a mod out that fixes them back to their pre-update levels. Perhaps Keen should consider just reverting the turret and making it more balanced and not just a one shot death machine. Being sniped 600 meters away by an interior turret is ridiculous.

Replies (3)


I would like to take this chance to suggest turret veterancy become a thing, with reduced accuracy until they rank up via kills.


Uh no. Turrets don't gain skill points. They are simple machines with set programming in them. They don't have ChatGPT in them, or any other AI, they have a simple basic command script, their rotational gears don't sharpen over time, their bullets don't get faster. A turret stays at its exact capabilities until it is upgraded by someone or damaged. In which case your suggestion should work in reverse, a damaged turret should instead malfunction and lose tracking speed or accuracy.


Plenty of real world examples of machines that need to be run before reaching peak effiency.

Ask any model railroader this, effiency improves after an initial run of the machine.

the basic idea is that joints are stiff until they have been greased and that grease has been evenly spread through the motion of gears and things.

but just to be clear, this a game. we can fudge certain things for improved gameplay.

justify it how you like, maybe the gun needs to spin up longer for maximum accuracy. or who knows... maybe in the lore of the game the turrets are powered by some kind of AI like chat GPT, maybe good.AI, and they do get better over time.


Thats not the case with guns. Interior turrets on top of that, don't "spin up", they aren't gatling turrets.

This is a game that claims no magic and fantasy, even though its all magic and fantasy with no scientific substance whatsoever. However, I will stick to science and reason even if the devs and the playerbase, don't.

A turret will not gain supreme accuracy just because the joints are lubed up and greased. It won't gain 50% more function, at most it'll gain maybe 1-5% improved tracking, which just isn't worth the time to code in.

I will also reject the idea of guns being AI powered because they are so bad at what they do. So much so you have to manually turn them off when you don't want them to do stuff, where as an AI powered device would know when a ship is no longer a threat and not shoot at it while you're on it. Guns are not a model railroad. Gears have set speed limits by mechanical engineering. Spinning easier doesn't make it spin faster.

Sorry, I have to reject the idea of turrets gaining improvements over time. I assume that while building the turret, you oiled it before hand rather than running it dry for a day or two before you go open it up and squirt some juice in.


if your only argument against this is one based on real world physics and bs that just dont translate to games... then fair enough - i'll never convince you otherwise.

problem remains tho - interior turrets are TOO good.


I think we need a sliding scale (maybe in the alt f10 menu) that people can choose to control the accuracy, firing rate, etc. (combined in one slider) for npc turrets so everyone can fight them at their own skill level. There is no fun in it if you are automatically picked off from a range you can barely see it. It's ridiculous how powerful they are.

Maybe the spacesuit should have some kind of cloaking device built in that uses a lot of power limiting the time you have to fight the turret before the cloaking part fails.


A sliding scale would only work in a single player situation. Its better to just balance the weapons properly from the beginning. An interior turret should be used for interior defenses. It doesn't need 600 meter range. It only needs 200 meter range. A Gatling gun is for exterior use. It should have a turn rate that can't keep up with soldiers up close but can keep up with stuff out at a distance. An interior turret doesn't need rapid fire if it can one shot you. Nor does it have the model of a rapid fire piece of equipment. So if its gonna have great accuracy, its automated range needs to decrease.


I would like to make a new comment here, since I can't edit my post to add in a way to balance this.

As I said in a comment thread, the way to balance this would be to make interior turrets more specialized. Reduce their automatic firing range to a maximum of 200 meters, as this would be just fine for interior base defenses. Have them fire more like a single bolt style weapon if they are going to do tremendous damage. Remove their ability to target large grids, rockets, meteors.

Give Gatling Guns a reduced accuracy against nearby targets, possibly by reducing their turn rates to make them less useful against nearby on foot targets while boosting their attack power against other grids a little more. They can still attack players, but their bullet accuracy is still pretty high for doing that and I'm not sure how you can fix that without making the Gatling worse. Perhaps if it could be told to spray its bullets more at closer range targets but I dunno.

Perhaps the Gatling wouldn't need any changes at all but I do know the interior turret does.


il ask the simple question why are Interior turrets so much better then a human with a rifle if they are shooting the same bullets? it really is mad how they will destroy you in an instant when the return fire you can give is barely scratching them in that same timeframe


Well think about it, a machine can be more precise than a human in many ways. It might be able to hit vital spots with perfect precision. I would like to see the turret nerfed to some degree, such as its range reduced if its going to have such a high powered shot. I think the range is the best option honestly because at least then it will be used on interiors instead of people sticking it on exterior surfaces like wallpaper.

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