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Artillery impacts should destroy voxels

Ryan Watkins shared this feedback 10 months ago
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I have run into an issue, where a small grid will fly in (Generally a drone) and then get destroyed and blown to bits, unfortunately, the battery will be left behind and land in one of the impact craters. My artillery cannon turrets will then proceed to totally drain my magazine while trying to shoot the enemy battery in the impact crater the battery is now lying in.

This is an extremely annoying issue because players can basically game the system by building batteries just outside of my turrets range to drain the ammunition. Please make it so artillery shells will actually destroy voxels. It would allow my turrets to destroy the ground around the target and eventually reach and destroy it, and artillery should probably destroy ground anyways by virtue of it being artillery.

Replies (1)


i have mixed feelings aboout that ebcause voxel changes increase file size

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