Lightning damage being on by default is a terrible new player experience

Splitsie shared this feedback 14 months ago

When new players begin to experience the joy of building in Space Engineers the last thing we need is for them to experience random explosions without any evidence as to the cause, which is precisely what lightning damage does, particularly when the grid that is damaged is out of line of sight.

For the longevity of Space Engineers we need an option to turn this off and for it to default to OFF for the Star System start.

A new player shouldn't have to resort to reddit to discover that they did nothing wrong, the timer simply ran out on their next lightning strike and that's ignoring how terrible it is from a game design perspective that lightning is on a timer UNTIL you get hit, rather than being random IF you get hit.

It's disheartening to see that the most popular post regarding having an option to disable lightning damage as a vanilla feature has been declined, so I'm choosing to raise this as a new ticket with added reasoning why this needs to change. Space Engineers needs to keep making it easier for new players to join our ranks, not chase them away with confusing, obscure and arguably cruel mechanics.

Replies (8)


how is this already 'not enough votes'? it's barely been online for 11h?


I disagree. I think it adds to the challenge. Weather can be disabled, as can lightning, specifically, with mods.


The suggestion is to change it to default off, not disabled permanently. I'm all for challenges, but we don't need to drive our new players away by randomly blowing up their creations before they even know that's a thing that CAN happen


I'm aware of the default, and that the suggestion is to disable it by default, not permanently.

If new players aren't aware of what the default settings do then the default settings should be better explained, or the environmental challenges should be made clearer. Don't remove the challenge by default - disclose it, better explain it, and encourage building around it.


I might be biased but I know a lot of people (most people I talk to) absolutely hate lightning because it's not a challenge as much as it's a frustration (and I love playing without a jetpack, suit, 1st person only, etc)...

the only way to mitigate it is to sink resources into it by having an autorepair antenna (and that is not available immediately when you start), it's not intuitive (because real lightning doesn't destroy things with more force than a rocket) and most of all it snipes players and their medbays even *through a layer of rock*, which is frankly ridiculous... and having it on by default means a lot of players who are still learning (a relatively complex game) will have to learn about mods - and the fact that one exists to turn lightning damage off - as soon as they start...

as OP said, if the mechanic were more interesting (turns your grid off for x time or something) rather than just full on assault I think a lot of people would change their mind on this... there's also the fact that from an atmosphere point of view lightning is awesome :D

edit: btw we had a similarly cruel mechanic with spiders and wolves destroying grids which got changed eventually (and the AI got nerfed, which I think noone asked for) so I don't see why lightning is so important for the SE experience to be perfectly honest...


Lightning can also be attracted by decoys.

It's one of the drawbacks of building on a planet.

I'm probably biased too but nobody I've spoken to has ever had a problem dealing with it.


I think that lightning shouldn't be on by default because it is very overpowered. It should definitely be an option, as a lot of people like it, but for those just starting out, it is a confusing mechanic. As an alternative, perhaps there could be a pop up with information about the mechanic, to inform people what it is and what it does and where to look in order to turn it off, if that is what is desired - a tick box for 'don't see again' so that it doesn't become a nuisance for veteran players would also be a good thing.


Lightning is the reason we disable weather entirely. I miss the rain, but other not worth it


Lightning adds nothing to game difficulty - it's just an annoyance. It is essentially a mechanic to destroy/damage 1 random block/kill 1 random player after X number of ticks. And if it had been implemented as that, I don't think anyone would be in favour of it.


It is too destructive, I always use a mod to remove it to increase emersion.


Lightning, like storms, is an interesting game-play mechanic that works best when very rare or as a key feature of a specific planet. When detrimental effects default to being common on "easy-mode" planets, they detract from the new-user experience; its better to easy them into the challenges by making them default to "off" and/or making them a feature for specific planets/game-modes.

A successful game sells "fun". For the majority of existing and new players, the default lightning setting makes the game less fun. From both marketing and game-design perspectives, changing the default setting is a good idea. From a programming perspective, changing the default setting is a 5 minute fix that makes no substantial code changes followed by 10 minutes of in-house testing.

This change makes sense for the health of the game and sequels. The player-base is telling you what they want; please don't ignore them.


Very well said.


Eh, it's a toggle-able option that's easily dealth with IF someone doesn't like it that much. This game gets little enough attention vis a vis getting things fixed, I'd personally rather they spent their time on anything else on the feedback/bug topics list.


What would be a great thing is to gave a way to toggle the lightnings like the one we have for environnent


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