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Menue system overhall

carson ball shared this feedback 16 months ago
Not Enough Votes

As somone who has spent 6000 hours in this game and seeing as it has 10 years under its belt

I cant help but ask if we can get a quality of life and consistency pass on the ingame menue and control panel.

The cargo menue has type filters and a search box but no groups.

The production tab has just a search and a drop down.

The control panel has groups and a search but no type filtering. And with color coding this is the only point in the Ui where it can be determined which grid a vehicle belongs to. Good luck figuring out which color represents which grid. And just a hide/unhide function

The info panel has a long list of grid meta data that isnt searchable and only 3 values are remotly uesful in 99% of play and the rename box.

Faction tab has search but needs better filters.

GPS has search and that is it.

Under the control panel various blocks that list other blocks in their controls are inconsistent.

Newer blocks like the Ai blocks have lists with a search box.

Jumpdrives do not have a search box for gps locations. And this is a serious PITA, when you are trying to find a specific location.

And the drop down at the top for accessing different grids through radio is great if not integrated into the rest of the UX.

The base change i would want to see starts in the control panel.

The list should be a collapsable tree structure. Groups should be collapsed by default and blocks in a group can be color coded. Groups and we should be able to nest groups within groups.

This nesting is important as each grid should be contained in a group for each subgrid. The name of the grid being the name of the group. Group membership should be maintained in each blocks metadata. This could be helpful especially if two grids merge with mergeblocks and are then seperated the names of the two grids can be maintained.

From here control panel should in addition to the text search have buttons to filter for this grid like the cargo panel. Physicly connected grids and remote grids.

And a drop down filter for block type.

Now that there is a firm foundation for organizing our blocks and grids we can adress the other tabs.

The production and cargotabs should essentially have the same tools for listing their blocks just with the type filters for their context. Production blocks can be assigned to group, filtered by type and grid.

Cargo has the same filters with an additional filter to show what blocks it can move cargo too

And using our group tree system to determine which grid each block belongs to.

The info tab is pretty neglected.

I think the only additon to it since it was implemented was adding a line for PCU.

This should have the same tree structure as before just showing each of the grids allowing for easily renaming subgrids. And one additional that is needed is a energy, and propellant, and oxygen statistica.

Justna couple lines for each showing total generation, amounts stored and consumption.

Would be nice to see total hydrogen usage expressed as L/s to give a rough idea how long a ship can hover.

And GPS. i bet there are two dozen feedback posts asking for better gps managment.

The gps screen needs a filter and sort by distance. The ability to group enterys.

And i am going to add that we should be able to set types.

And types can have color coding, assignable icons. And filtering.

Another UX space that hasnt been addressed is the terminal.

This has some great type filters but suffers from some small issues.

Because all the blocks are displayed as icons its hard to distinguish between individual blocks of the same type. Or for tools selecting all of one type vs perfoming an action on a specific block or group.

This is where we have a dropdown for filtering by local grid, connected grid. Or what would be Really slick is remote grid. And then commands could ne sent via the igc api.

That would be revolutionary and very synergistic with the new ai blocks.

Replies (1)


Really the UI should get an consistency and life improvement update. All the points mentioned are very true and this would make life so much easier. Especially on console as finding entities in a setup list like the event controller can get very time consuming and annoying.. There should also a solution being considered to rename blocks simultaneously. Prefixing 100 lights it's not funny at all. Also generic numbering could be improved. Like once a block is removed the numbering could be reset automatically to be consistent. Maybe therefore the number shouldn't be part of the name string but an integer attribute instead. Like the "thrusters up" is not an actual part of the name.

Best regards and thanks for that great piece of software 😌✌

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