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Grinder design damaging to the community. DEVS please hear our plae

Zer0limit shared this feedback 21 months ago
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This post is to suggest a slight rework of the grinder tool. This game is great and I enjoy it because I am of the few people that get over the rough starting learning curve. I have noticed players come and go but few stay. Those that quit usually do so early, less than a week of gameplay because another player has grinded down their base.

I love pvp more than anyone I know and I enjoy the dynamics this game brings. The problem is unlike other survival games, you start with a tool that can destroy another players creation. In other survival games the starter club can't destroy a stone wall. In Space Engineers you can spawn anywhere and fly around looking for a new player to destroy. Once you find one you can spawn continuously (infinite lives so to speak) and keep grinding, die, respawn and grind some more, die, respawn and grind some more until the grid is gone or the people log offline and never play again.

All while not having to put any time or effort in having the ability to do so.

That's the problem so here is my suggestion to a solution. Mind you, this requires to throw out "its always been this way" mentality.

• The grinder the player spawns with can only grind their own factions grid. (This will eliminate the random planet spawner player from being able to ruin a new players day.

• Proficient Grinder and above is able to damage enemy grids (This will force the griefer to actually work to find a station or craft one themselves before being able to wreck havoc on a new player)

• Grinder damage in general should be reduced unless grinding your own grid. (The Devs designed the game a certain way and I'm sure they would prefer if actual weapons were used as the primary choice to damaging grids. Not a grinder you can spawn with...)

In conclusion I believe a large part of the players that leave were due to griefers. This is not about them learning how to not be found because they might just move on to another game before that occurs. No new player likes to find themselves in a respawn pod after they spent hours the day before getting a battery and a basic assembler going. Please DEincentivize random planet hopping grinder greifers. It only hurts the game as I've seen them say things like "I want them to rage quit and never come back".

Lets help the numbers by removing the main source of greifing that requires no effort to do.

Replies (4)


I made the jetpack so weak that it can only fly on planets. This solved the problem you described. I also made a cheap safe zone for energy, construction. And I put the keys in an unknown signal so that a person could maintain his base without getting tired


I play on Keen Vanilla servers so I'm asking for a slight rework of what is already in place to DEincentivize greifers from being able to quickly and effortlessly destroy with a spawn tool what took someone else hours, days, weeks, or months to build. The jet-pack is fine. If the player wants to use a grinder to destroy things then I'm asking for them to have to at least have to work up to it somehow so its not something available to them every spawn.


Haha.. this new Woke players are funny. Game is in final version, they can not change original mechanism. This is not Beta, Alpha or .. what you think. Changing origin game mechanism, is damage the original purchased product. They would, for example, harm me. This is not PvE. This is very raw hard PvP.


I have been playing since Alpha testing, your comment is unhelpful and incorrect. I have also felt that the ability to spawn with tools that enable you to so easily destroy another player's many hours of effort with impunity, is a colossal oversight by the developers. Further, PVP signifies PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER, and not, "player who spawns to grief offline players' grids", which is exactly what is going on. On the servers I have played on, 99% of the non-clang grid loss does not occur because of a skirmish between factions, or general piracy, but rather from anonymous trolls who spawn, destroy bases, and then leave.


Aside from non-functional blocks, the grind speed of everything is reduced to 1/3 when hacking. This part is already in the game.


i like the idea of basic grinder only grind friendly grids. Very simple solution.

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