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Add an option for "Cease fire when sub-grids are in line of fire" on Custom Turret Controller

Jake Verbalmoshgin shared this feedback 20 months ago
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Or have this be the default setting and the option can be "Allow turret to fire when sub-grids are in line of sight".

I make this suggestion because currently, custom turrets will shoot through grid they're attached to unless the player changes the hinge and rotor settings so that the turret can't aim at it's own grid. This is a tedious solution. It's safe to assume that most players don't want a custom turret to fire on any attached sub-grids, and if they for some reason do want that they could opt into it by checking a box.

Perhaps this could be achieved by designating any sub-grids attached to the custom turret with a special identifier so that Custom Turret Controller knows not to shoot through them. They'd still hit any separate grids in the line of fire, just not their own ship. They'd function just like the Block Turrets.

Luckily there's a script available on the workshop that apparently fixes this issue but I think if it were vanilla the game's custom turrets feature would feel a lot more intuitive and fun to use for new/casual players.

Replies (1)


I think it already has a built-in rule "don't shoot friendlies", so this actually seems like more of a bug report than a feature request, as it's not recognizing the parent grid as a friendly.



not just the parent grids even friendly sub grids it will destroy

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