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Custom Turrets: 2 Suggestions for huge Quality Of Life improvements

Jake Verbalmoshgin shared this feedback 22 months ago
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The custom turret controller allows for some really cool things and is a great addition to the game. my 2 suggestions to improve are:

1. Allow the option to "Enable AI" on block weapons that don't have a rotor or hinge attached. Currently, without a rotor or hinge attached to a block weapon, the "Enable AI" button won't appear.

Say you wanted to make a ship with artillery cannons poking out of the sides (like the cannons on the side of a pirate ship). Manually firing these cannons when an enemy is on the side of the ship is not ideal because it would be difficult to aim and they'd all fire at once out of BOTH sides. The Custom Turret Controller allows the ability to enable these artillery cannons to fire automatically/independently when an enemy is within range, but they will not do so until you add a rotor to them and assign it, even though the rotor serves no function because the artillery cannons do not need to articulate.

This is a very tedious and long process that could be simplified for the player if they didn't need to add a rotor or hinge to each turret and assign it for the "Enable AI" button to appear. Give players the ability to create simple static automatically firing block weapons without needing a rotor or hinge.

2. Give the option to separate block weapons used by Custom Turrets from block weapons that are toggled through the Toolbar Config.

Say I have a ship with 2 rocket launchers that the player fires manually, and a Custom Turret that uses 2 rocket launchers with AI Enabled so it fires automatically. When I go into the Block Weapons section of the Toolbar Config and select Rocket Launchers, it unavoidably makes it so all 4 rocket launchers will be fired by the player manually.

It would be great if there were an option to "make custom turret block weapons unusable in toolbar config". That way the player can manually fire 2 front facing rocket launchers without firing the rocket launchers used by the AI Enabled Custom Turret Controller.

Thanks for reading, love the game!

Best Answer
  1. So, effectively make the entire grid with the fixed weapons the turret head as far as the controller is concerned, and just have it for pulling the trigger when the ship is aligned?
  2. How is this different from just not adding the launchers that you want to fire only manually to the list of assigned weapons?
    Ah, nevermind, I get it, it's for when you want to use the Block weapons group of launchers to fire. Well, for what it's worth, there's the alternative of grouping the manual-fire launchers and then using Shoot once for that group. Doesn't allow continuous fire for as long as you hold the button, though.

Replies (1)

  1. So, effectively make the entire grid with the fixed weapons the turret head as far as the controller is concerned, and just have it for pulling the trigger when the ship is aligned?
  2. How is this different from just not adding the launchers that you want to fire only manually to the list of assigned weapons?
    Ah, nevermind, I get it, it's for when you want to use the Block weapons group of launchers to fire. Well, for what it's worth, there's the alternative of grouping the manual-fire launchers and then using Shoot once for that group. Doesn't allow continuous fire for as long as you hold the button, though.


1.Thanks for your response! You solved my problem, I should've played around with it more instead of assuming it only worked when each block weapon has an assigned rotor turret controller. Oops lol.

I tested to see if it would work like you said and it does. Any block weapon on a grid will be enabled with AI from just one turret controller and you only need one rotor or hinge on a grid and all block weapons assigned will work.

Interestingly, I found that while the "Enable AI" button won't appear if you assign a block weapon to the Custom Turret Controller without a rotor or hinge, it will remain on the terminal if you assign a rotor or hinge then de-assign it. So you could enable AI for static block weapons with a rotor attached to any part of the ship, then remove the rotor.

So the only QOL improvement KSH could implement is leaving the "Enable AI" option in the menu at all times instead of having it appear only when a rotor or hinge has been assigned, seeing how the rotor and hinge are completely unnecessary to enable the AI.

2. Yes that does seem like a viable solution. I honestly forget that the "shoot once" button exists and have wondered before why it's even available, now I see it's purpose. I suppose it could be used for testing a weapon but separating block weapons from weapons of the same type in the Toolbar Config seems a pretty obvious purpose.

For this second problem KSH I suppose wouldn't need to implement any change, it's up to the player to find the solution being the "shoot once" option like you did.

Thanks again!

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