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Starting new line in text on an LCD screen (Xbox)

John Dawson shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

Its understandable that not everything is full functional being that the game was originally designed for keyboard and mouse and the way the controller support has been done was brilliant my only caveat is currently you still can on an LCD start a second line when using a controller.

I understand that buying additional hardware like an attachable keyboard or even a keyboard and mouse can solve the issue but not having access to a part of the game no matter how small without spending additional funds seems silly especially as I've just recently put £450 into getting a series X to allow me to more efficiently play and build in SE I should have to pay more just to do something so minor.

My suggestion is to if using a Controler similar in a way to Minecraft, allow us to select multiple lines within the text box, or honestly, I'm sure you guys could find something else.

I'm positive I'm not the only fussy one who doesn't have access to additional hardware to resolve this another way and it would be another step in making the game more accessible.


Replies (1)


Minor misconception: You didn't pay £450 to play SE: The Game efficiently where "something so minor" comes at "The PC Premium".

You paid £450 to play Something Lucky To Still Remotely Be Looking Like SE After Having Been Massively Castrated For Your Platform From What Was Barely Running On Its Own Native Platform In The First Place: The Game.

Easily confused.


I'm sorry do you not understand the point of feedback it's where you play a game, if you think something is missing or could be changed you give feedback regardless of how big or small through services like this for the community and the devs to discuss or even implement.

Cleary you don't like console players for whatever reason but that's no need to wine at myself for giving a tiny bit of feedback on something so small. Especially as id assume you only play PC and already have the better experience on a more accessible and stable version of the game.

Also, I understand the process the Devs went through to get it to Xbox going through multiple companies who specialize in porting games who couldn't bring the game to Xbox in the way they wanted, so ultimately had to do the work themselves and although understandably it took a while, they did an amazing job even with the limitation Microsoft forced upon them.


It wasn't at all the feedback as such that I addressed, though. By all means do suggest things, and good luck getting things noticed and not drowned in sub-fifty oblivion.

What I did address was your misconception that the Xbox version was the baseline and that things like a full-size textbox was something to be added, unlocked, and paid for separately. It's not. Devs had to invest (and divert!) a lot of extra work to get the actual baseline, the PC version, to work on cheaper (well, "cheaper"), more restrictive platforms, all so that people with spending motivations like yours could even begin to hope to play something that at least resembles the original on that platform.

PC SE isn't Xbox SE with things added. Xbox SE is PC SE with things stripped out. System requirements don't contain the word "requirements" for no reason. If you can't, or don't want to, provide what's required, how do you figure you'd be justified in asking Keen to do?

Always the same with you console folks. "But I don't have the money, whee whee whee." Yes, well, I don't have the money to buy a Bentley, yet you don't see me whining and making demands at Škoda to make me seats as expensive and as comfortable, now do you?

(Disclosure: Make names for illustrative purposes only. Neither do I wish to purchase a Bentley, nor do I drive a Škoda, neither at this time nor the foreseeable future.)


At no point do I mention that the Xbox version is the baseline but by releasing a game on another platform the developer is obligated to make it as functional as possible so that the customer has access to all features the game possesses. This is true regardless of the platform.

I own the game on PC and played it years ago last time was just after planets was released but since then as you say whee whee I don't have the money to afford a high-end computer to do the things that I do in SE that I can do with some ease on an Xbox console but still due to the numerous mods I use, I have to deal with crashes but that's part of the experience when using mods or playing in experimental

Plus your analogy doesn't work because this would assume that people on the console haven't bought SE. but as they have, they have as much right as anyone else to suggest features report bugs, and expect functionality to a platform that Keen Decided to Port their game to, no one forced keen to do that, and because they have done that it has helped in the development of the base game even on PC by having them reevaluate how the game functions and is formatted. plus it opened up more revenue to help with development costs.

Also, have you ever played the game on a console I think your knowledge of how much the game offers is lacking as the game is almost identical to the PC version with only limitations that were set in place due to platform and Microsoft like scripts everything you can do in the vanilla game I can do on Xbox minus the script based mods that are Microsoft's fault, not Keens.

Refer to the original streams Keen and Xocliw did during the development of the game for Xbox when it was advised constantly that the game is incredibly close to the baseline game in features and content only lacking what was impossible due to Microsoft's restrictions.


"At no point do I mention that the Xbox version is the baseline" – Dude, you literally said, "not having access to a part of the game no matter how small without spending additional funds". What else would you want to have inferred but that what you have be the base and that anything beyond that be optional, if more convenient?

"but by releasing a game on another platform the developer is obligated" – … says who? Is there a written agreement on that? Did you commission Keen to do that? Is there a list of requirements you and Keen worked out on paper, signed, that they could possibly default on? No? Tough luck then. SE is entirely Keen's brand and property. If they so choose to offer and advertise a virtual board game for console that's called Space Engineers, that would still be entirely at their discretion and you would at no point whatsoever be in any position to demand that it be even remotely in resemblance to their existing product that is Space Engineers on PC, regardless whether that non-resemblance was a result of a platform restriction, their design choice, or both.

"they have as much right as anyone else to suggest features report bugs" – Correction: the privilege. Not a right.

"they have as much right as anyone else to […] expect functionality" – See above. The only right they have is to get the features they were promised as a customer. If features they expected but didn't get weren't advertised in the first place, that's more a problem of maladjusted expectations on the expector's side, not a default on the expectee's.

"everything you can do in the vanilla game I can do on Xbox minus the script based mods that are Microsoft's fault, not Keens." – I don't see where it's relevant whose fault it is when some feature X is absent or limited or different. It's absent or limited or different either way.

"as the game is almost identical to the PC version" – Good for you then. Again, don't see where it's relevant how much or how little the game editions are similar. All I'm addressing here is your expectations as to what ought to be available at no extra cost, directly monetarily or otherwise, in a version where it was implicitly or explicitly stripped from in comparison with the original in the first place.

"Plus your analogy doesn't work because this would assume that people on the console haven't bought SE." – Not at all. The only thing I could possibly have implied with that (and what, in fact, I was basing the analogy on) was that people on console bought a console. Nothing else. Not whether they did it so to play Xbox SE, nor whether playing Xbox SE came as an afterthought, nor whether they also have a PC that could run PC SE, nor whether they do play PC SE on PC. Why? Because playing Xbox SE is the only context relevant to this matter here. So, my analogy still works. Suggest you do a little less assuming.

"plus it opened up more revenue to help with development costs." – Oh yes, I can see that:


(from the official KSH discord, as of 11nov2023, 18:15 UTC)

Those 13 % better be worth it. (Yes, I realise that this is not a 100% representative figure, with various reasonably plausible factors existing that could conceivably skew it in either direction, but we're not talking about half a percent of contention here. It's an entire order of magnitude!)

Anyway, to reiterate:

I'm not saying you can't request features or report bugs because of whatever platform you're making it for. By all means do so. (It's sad that I have to repeat this over and over again. It seems that as soon as I dare to sound like I want to make people feel bad about their purchase decision they fly into a blinkered rage and start arguing about things that were never contested in the first place, possibly just to have something they can chalk up as point for them rather than for me.)

What I am recommending, though, is that it would behove you to adjust your expectations more towards reality and to leave any overinflated sense of entitlement outside the comment textbox.

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