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Power managment and upgrade module

Tye Reinhardt shared this feedback 2 years ago
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As the title says, this would add a form of power managment, aswell as a new upgrade module, they would work in tandom with each other to overclock/overload ship systems and blocks.

The upgrade module would come in two (or one) parts, the power controller, and the power capacitor.

The capacitor would allow for your ship to accumulate power to send into certian systems/blocks to overclock/overload them for aditional power/firepower/thrust.

The more capacitors you have on a ship the more power you can shunt to diffrent systems

The capacitors have a interior power source allowing them to accunulate greater amount of power to shunt, instead of souly relying on their recharge/discharge rates to redirect it, allwoing for greater more sustained bursts of power from machinery. The shunted power from the capacitors CAN overload blocks, and cause them to be damaged over time. Each capacitor can shunt power to two diffrent groups at a time. Production: thrust. Thrust: artillery. Artillery: thrust. And so on. Aditionally the more blocks in these groups will take more power to overclock them. The capacitors rely on ACTUAL groupings of blocks to overclock them. The maximum blocks a single capacitor can overclock at any time (which can be changed later) is fifty. The effects of them overclocking a group with more than the maximum threshold will result in diminishing effects bassed on how many more blocks there are, how much power the capacitor has available, and how many capacitors there are. If the maximum amount of blocks that can be overlcoked in greater than the amount you are overclocking. Your capacitors will begin to accumulate power, eventually able to send a larger burst through your systems. The capacitors do not automatically charge/discharge their powersupplys into the grid, and instead accumulate power at their base discharge rate. However this discharge rate can be increased by 3x, or lower to a quarter, in order to give a sustained or sudden blast of power towards certian systems. They do not discharge unless at least one of the block(s) in the group they are designated too are being used, this goes for singular blocks aswell.

The power manager (name can be changed) is a control block, which allows you to tap into the power storage/sources of your grid and redirect/reserve their power reserves/outputs to certian blocks, functions, or groupings: a group of three batteries reserved to only recharge, and discharge as emergency power/a supplemental. A solar array meant for production systems, a reactor/battery for pife support and so on.

The power manager unlike the capacitor, is cappable of acscessing any and all (sub grid included, aswell as the capacitors themselves) power sources. And reserving and redirecting them for certian machinery. They are cappable of supporting the capacitors and increasing their maximum block limit by 10, each. Power managers do not store power. And cannot shunt it withought using capacitors, or batteries.

Power managers are cappable of calculating the maximum overclock capacity of every grouping and block being overclocked by the capacitors. However they do not do this to every block in a grid. Unlike capacitors alone power managers will lower the power threshold beung sent to machinery in order to keep them from overloading. However this can be overridden, at your expense.

The power managers themselves have a power graph, which can be sent to LCDs

This graph displays the amount of power being used, stored, produced. And as a seperate screen, can display every power producer, and store'r, and the percentage of them thats being redirected, to which groups/blocks. And how much 'free' energy is in the grid powering things normally. (This can be removed or left out)

The power mamager is cappable of reducing the amount of power put into the grid from batteries and other power productors to save on fuel.

The overclocking effect is the effect by which blocks are charged beyond their normal safety perameters. Their thrust, production rates, and recharge/firepower will be increased by 10% for every 15% more power they receive than normal . They can achieve a 55% increase in their output (this can be changed later as can the overclock ratio) until they start to receive physichal damage. The effect can be increased a furthur 15% if your grid has a power manager (this can be removed)

Propulsion blocks's flames are renderd 10% larger while they are overclocked. And 20% when they are being overloaded

Production blocks can either be effected generally, as in their stats are being raised, or if you have upgrade modules, you are able to overclock those.

Artillery blocks are cappable of overcharging their recharges, reloads, and have a general imcrease in damage. However past 30% overclocking they can become jammed, and require more time to reload.

Jump drives can be overclocked to imcrease their charge rates. Or be paired up with capacitors to increase their *jump*, range, however this can only really reduce the amount of strain put on by heavier ships.

Antennae, ore detectors, and beacons can have their range increased

While the welders and grinders have their range and speed increased.

Power sources cannot be overclocked. However batteries can have their charge rates sped up.

All other misc blocks have similar effects.

All numbers here can be changed and the mechanics can be dropped out for new ones if you feel it necessary. Any suggestions/changes can be put in the comments. I feel like I've left something out so ill probably do that

Replies (1)


Overclocking increases a group/blocks output by 100% for twenty seconds, plus a second for every aditional 10 MW (this can be changed) supplied. however causes them to recive damage every second. You are goven a warning by the power manager (if you dont then the capacitors do.)

The capacitors linked to the groups/blocks (if their set to a block and another capacitor is set to a group with that block, they are discharged seperatly. If one overloads the block, then the other does not follow. Same goes for a capacitor with a group overclcoking a block, and another capacitor linked to one of those blocks)

Overclocking a block CAN destroy them.

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