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ACTIVE indicator on HUD

Daniel Bordeianu shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

Put a green outline (or similar) on the HUD icons when activated. For the life of me , I cannot tell at a glance if my weapons systems are active, or if they track the right subsystems, or if the batteries are recharging or not etc etc


Be it vanilla or the most polished SE server, this is a problem with the simplest solution.

Please, add outlines to active blocks on the HUD...or at least on that screen that pops up with ALT, showcasing what the various HUD buttons are supposed to do, or both.


You shouldn't even wait to implement it, a good idea is obvious.


Replies (4)


usability, noun, -ies,

  1. the measure of how well or how ill an implement of some kind matches a target operator's (usually a human's) sensorical and motorical faculties in order to perform a task the implement's intended purpose is assisting in
  2. not a forte, nor a particularly burning interest, of Keen's, it would seem


Keen might take this UI feedback more seriously if the screenshots were of their UI, rather than a modded one.


Hey, Brian, you've made me check...yes, vanilla has the on/off texts...but not the battery stuff. Anyway, you broke my mojo!



I was about to add "But what about groups??", because that appeared to be the difference between the screenshots in OP and the most recent one.

Then I tested it and, at least in vanilla, it seems that the on/off/Auto/Whatever states are still present, and even so when similar, but not same, blocks are grouped, like corner light and double corner light and spotlight, battery and small battery. And this applies even across grid sizes.


As for the duration indicator, the number only appears when the demand is greater than the supply from renewables (ie. solar, wind), and that difference is compensated for by discharging batteries. (Fuelled sources like nuclear reactors and hydrogen engines play a role in that formula, too, but they just complicate matters, so, let's ignore them for the moment.) If on the other hand the supply is greater than the demand, meaning batteries have surplus energy available they can charge themselves with, a simple dash is rendered.


Of course, that still isn't a clear indicator as to which is which at first glance; in other words, it is not intuitive. And since intuitiveness is one measure of usability, the point still stands that there is plenty of room for improvement.

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