More Professional GPS and Faction System

Guest shared this feedback 6 years ago


The Factions and GPS system is missing some well-deserved flare. Factions should be able to ally with each other, and build bigger alliances without having all players convert to one faction.


Say you're on a large server with a faction of 50 or so people. You don't want to have to make everyone leave and join another faction just so your ships don't shoot at them (and still target neutrals). This will also allow more advanced permission settings, allowing allied players to open doors/press buttons but not access medical rooms or storage. Ergo, instead of setting to 'share with my faction' on ownership, you can set it to 'share with my faction and allies' or 'share with my faction only' Allied factions would also be able to share remote access and voice chat through antennas with each other.

Currently, you can propose peace with another faction. There should also be an option for factions you're neutral with to 'propose alliance.' This will open up some new GPS color features that contradict the current setup (including unknown signals).


Blue: All friendly signals that are part of your faction, even if they weren't built by you.

Green: Signals from factions you are allied with, will still be displayed as a 'friendly' signal when mixed with other signals.

White: Neutral targets or signals that your factions are neutral with, or are not owned by a faction.

Yellow: Here's where it gets tricky. Yellow targets are considered 'enemy' or 'hostile,' but will only appear this way if they are allies with a faction that you are at war with, OR they are enemies of a faction that you are allied with. e.g. 2 enemy and 2 indirect enemy signals will appear as '4 hostile signals' when mixed.

Red: Direct enemies, straight forward. You have declared war on this faction.



When 2 or more (preferably 3 or more) factions are all joined in alliance with each other, there would be an option for each faction to form a confederation, or league, where they can turn on and off some options to how it's ruled.

These options will consist of how war and peace is declared, ergo if one faction is an enemy with another, all factions in that league are instantly direct enemies with that faction. If a faction wants to propose peace to another faction, all members of the confederation would have to follow through.

They'll also have their own chat in comms, and can not wage war on each other normally. If they are to do so, all factions (except the one being declared war on) must accept to wage war on that faction, then they will be removed from the confederation and the remaining members of the confederation will war with them.


On another note, factions will be allowed to create a Sector in space. They must have at least 4 coordinates that will create a 3D shape of their owned territory. Sector GPS maps can be used to navigate through large star systems without getting caught up in enemy space.

It's purely the player's choice whether they want to save the Sector information for themselves and their allies to find each-other, or boast their supremacy towards the rest of the server.

Why is this needed? It would be great to be able to see enemy/ally territory without being broadcasted a single point from an antenna. This would be much safer as it would further deter enemies from entering a large enemy territory blind.

Thanks for reading, I truly hope that Keen decides to show the factions and GPS system some love.

Replies (1)


I can see some benefit to this for some types of game play. But it may be better suited for a specialized game play mod perhaps? Would go great with a very rough 3d map but hey, I am not going to ask for that one! LOL.. BUT what is more important to me however is that I personally would like to see Yellow be reserved for UFO's. Everything is a UFO until it gets close enough,,, Maybe 5km?

Another color but let's use yellow for UFO's. Purple maybe? Pink? LOL


I like your thinking. Maybe a specialized antenna-type block that works by a real antenna, sending radio waves and receiving the ones that bounce back. Therefore, UFOs can be detected from longer ranges with certain chance, if their vessel has flat enough surfaces.

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