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Much needed improvements for the community update:

SCHNEK shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

This game has a lot of issues, issues you notice constantly and yet they're still here after many years.

Some of these are simply convenient improvements, some are more severe... These are the ones i remembered/came across in the span of a day or two, in the order i remembered them:

Fix paste: Copying and pasting anything with a subgrid is pain. Either fix the weird bounding boxes (always too big), or let us force it to paste. (Experimental feature, problem solved)

Strafe in the air while jumping: This one might be weird at first, but it's actually MORE realistic to be able to change your characters position in jumps somewhat, since (IRL) you can change where your feet land and where to hold on with your hands for support. Jumping in this game feels like having a stroke as soon as you leave the ground. It's not only unrealistic, but even more importantly bad game-design... To prevent in-air control while falling, you could simply disable it (or have the controls fade in effectiveness) after a few seconds.

As of now, even jumping up a single small block (which should frankly be walkable like a staircase) is a huge hassle, since you NEED some momentum before jumping or you'll just be jumping in place, unable to change you momentum... If you have no room to run on, you're out of luck... Ridiculous...

Rename several blocks at once: Explains itself. I like to keep my terminal tidy, which means changing names to be more organized and removing numbers when i don't need them. Having to go through hundreds of blocks one at a time is not ideal...

Also, it would be nice if block names in the terminal where more technical, like "Thruster - Atmospheric, Thruster - Hydrogen" instead of "Atmospheric thruster, list goes on, etc etc etc etc... Hydrogen thruster..."

Type first, then variation. Same for all blocks.

Fix block hitbox overlap: Some blocks still freak out or get stuck if placed in between, or next to, other blocks. This includes blocks like gyroscopes, and half-lights.

Smaller block variants: Some blocks desperately need smaller variants still, and you shouldn't be punished for using them. Hydrogen tanks, for example, should have a 2x1x1 version. You should also be able to effectively make any size you want using smaller ones, without being punished for being creative. A large cylinder tank (small block) should hold less than an equal space (5x5x5) of small tanks (being a cylinder), but the one with small tanks should weigh more. It should equal out, basically. Also, tanks shouldn't be gas-specific... You should be able to use any tank for any gas. This is a game about building with blocks. Let us use the blocks in creative ways, please.

WHEELS absolutely need smaller variants! Not 1x1x1 wheels like we have already, but wheels with smaller suspensions. Give us wheels the size of actual REAL wheels. I love to try making things in realistic scales, like cars or trucks, and cars specifically are basically impossible to make without tighter wheel suspensions...

Also, a separate menu for functions like refilling small tanks would be good. Having a functions tab would be great for inventories that otherwise just clutter up the menu (I know you can disable that but you might still want to use them). Also fix their display. Tanks all have ice in their inventory display, right? As far as i'm aware they don't even hold ice, only tanks...

Remove offline/online text and red lights: PLEASE DO THIS. Turning off your ship just to have it it still GLOW red is boring, as weird as that sounds. Screens should not say "offline", arguably shouldn't even say "online". Just let us turn things OFF, without them glowing... It's like turning your car off and the blinkers activate, and you can't turn them off... OFF should mean complete darkness.

Also let us switch the "ON" light from green to cyan (green and cyan would switch if this mode was enabled, so green is charging, etc), or perhaps even any colour. Purple lights does sound pretty sweet... Turning them off completely sounds nice too...

Fix adaptive light: Or whatever it's called. Just let me disable the shitty effect that darkens the environment when in enclosed areas... The transition looks absolutely horrible and is extremely unrealistic... Just make the game stay at a single brightness. I understand that you here aiming for more atmospheric interiors, but this is not a good way to do it... Just make the game stay at either level, or let us disable the effect...

Full-block variants of blocks: Especially gyros, but even things like rotors and hinges. Really any block could use an actual cube variant. Not only do we need full block variants, but variants that actually have straight edges so they fit into armour blocks... (feels like every block is designed in a vacuum, not thinking about how they'll fit with other blocks at all...)

Still, more important is simple full-blocks variants of gyros and hinges. Gyros for safety, hinges and rotors for aesthetic. Making a door with hinges means having gaps around the hinge, and a full-lock rotor would allow putting it inside a flat surface and having a disk that rotates "in" the floor, if that makes sense. (flat surface where one circle in it rotates, still flat along the surface)

Quarter block: Half Half-block, basically, but cut sideways. Obviously the half-blocks need expanding, but this one is most important from my experience (i use half-blocks a fair bit).

Multiple decorative blocks in one space: This one might be too much for a community update, since it would likely require a lot of work, but we really do NEED this... Also, merge large and small grids... I don't mean merge with mergeblocks, but actually letting us use large and small ones however we want. Again, obviously not a small things to add, but i'll put it here anyway. Would be especially usefull with things like large grid panels and lights, that take up a full 2.5x2.5x2.5 area...

Half-block conveyor (armoured?): Add a conveyor that would fit better onto the outside of ships/walls, being half a block "tall" and taking up the full square it's placed on. From the front, going north to south (you standing south of it looking north), it would look like:


(O is the hole inside conveyor, should be squared just like normal conveyor tube. Conveyor lies half buried inside half-block with sloping sides)

Full block from same angle, or bottom of the armoured conveyor: |||||

Both large and small variants (would look fantastic on small ships, much sleeker).

Groups showing data of single blocks: For example, battery group showing average percentage, hydrogen tank group showing average percentage.

Search spawn menu: For admin. Not needed, but would be nice.

Remove spotlight secondary lightsource: Spotlights have two sources of light, or at least it looks like it. Maybe the light around the block is simply the source of the light cast by the front, but it needs fixing either way. Spotlights should only cast light far away, not light up it's immediate surroundings.

Heat vent errors: Wrong visual when placed (vents face wrong direction), also do not enable with too much power even at 0%. (Meaning you apparently can't make them enable permanently, even though you should be able to.)

THIS IS A GREAT ONE! Enable jetpack from inside ship! The jetpack button does nothing inside a ship. Let it decide if the jetpack should be activated or deactivated when leaving the cockpit! Also, disable auto enabling of the jetpack... It's just annoying, and usually just turns it off when i've already enabled it myself... At least make it an option...

Activate terminal from helm: You currently need to "sit" in it to reach terminal. Small change, but no reason not to fix.

Clean 3d models, less clutter inside: I've seen this in other games and i have no idea why this is a thing... Many blocks have a ton of surfaces and shapes inside them that the player cannot ever see. I'm sure blocks need different areas for deciding what changes colour and what doesn't when colouring them, and maybe it uses less vertices, but... Well, i dunno. Not my area of expertise, just a thought. Seems bad for performance, is all, but i don't know.

Grated catwalk half railing variations: More "positions" for the grated catwalk with railings. Being able to place multiple blocks in one space would fix this, but for now we need variations instead, like half railings on each side to allow half-stairs on both sides.

Gross grabby-hand while walking with block... Just a visual thing, very silly, but man do i hate the hand-movements when walking with a block in your hand... Yuck... Haha!

Someone WILL be groped sooner or later, and it wont be pretty! He's a danger to society :P

Move blocks by hand: Why do we not have this...? Seems like a no-brainer, dragging (mostly) small blocks around, or pushing larger ones. Easier on small blocks/very small builds like container drops (skin drops), obviously.

Lastly and maybe most importantly (almost forgot because i use a mod for it, which feels vanilla at this point since it's so obvious): Allow us to use the small ejector as a connector!

If you're not going to give us a hose or tube to refuel with, at least give us the small connector! The mod (only one as far as i know) works great and doesn't seem to have any issues at all! Should be extremely easy to implement (please give him credit, even if it's simple), as it fits in perfectly with vanilla. It's called Ejector to Small Connector, by TwitchingPsycho.

Only having the (still massive) small block connector for small ships is, frankly, completely ridiculous... Imagine refuelling your van and having to plug the entire back of it into a gas station to fill it with gas... Like, what...?? Seriously...?

This one, not as important, but i've wanted it for ages: Change how gyros work, or rather, how ships work without them.

Ships with gyros would NOT change.

Ships WITHOUT gyros would apply thrust realistically, giving you the options of having realistic thruster physics in the vanilla game. (while STILL keeping any ship with gyros the exact same as it is now, no one would be affected negatively and any ship would work exactly the same as before)

I always hated gyros... It's a weird way to handle rotation and it makes no sense, since they just enable something that should be enabled by default (since the game doesn't have realistic thrust anyway).

This would give them an actual purpose, and i can't stress enough that NOTHING would change on old ships, because everyone uses gyros. (you have to...)

It would simply allow you to use realistic thrust if you wanted to. No gyros = No magical gyro powers to rotate, and no automatic center thrust.

Want to build a more realistic rocket? Just don't add gyros! Awesome!

Replies (2)


Remembered three more...

Edges change colour: Again, why do we not have this...? The bright grey edges on everything is hideous, which is why i use an edge mod to make them smaller and darker.

Sort terminal by grid: They get really messy, and it's already a function for inventories. Shouldn't be too hard to add.

LCD custom image resolution increase: I get that custom images might take up a lot of data (maybe, i dunno), but they're EXTREMELY pixelated as of now... Any increase would be fantastic, really.


I can't upvote this, because I do not support every single suggestion that was made.


What do you not support? Everything here is simply improvements to either errors or very obvious lacking features.

Pretty much the only thing that changes things up significantly is the gyro idea, which (as i clearly pointed out) wouldn’t actually change anything. (only add a completely optional option for more realism)

Just curious!


This list you've got here. It's good, but split it up. Easier for the devs, and easier for people to vote on. It's what, 23 + 3 suggestions? Make 26 feedback threads instead. Each very short and straight to the point. Atleast 1 picture for each suggestion if it helps get the point through.

It might sound counter productive, but it's much better to have each suggestion separate, and allow the comments to discuss each suggestion separate. Most people will not vote for, or read a long wall of text.


Yeah i know, thought about it before i even wrote this post, but at the time i decided against it for the same reason you gave here; Almost 30 posts! Feels a bit like spamming, but yeah i already know :P

I also have even MORE suggestions now! D:

Some aren’t exactly worthy of their own posts, which is also why i decided for a single list.

Gotta say though, the wall of text thing (as common as that excuse is) is just lazyness :P

But yeah, guess it’s spammin’ time! Seperate posts would be better.

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