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Add a Starter suit

PauloMr shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

As there are already suggestions for different suit types this would be one to add on top of those.

One of the things I believe might turn off a more casual audience from the survival experience is the time investment and necessity of tools and a survival kit in to be able to do anything.

Compared to something like minecraft, where you can start building in under five minutes with just your character, SE takes a bit more to get going.

To address this my suggestion would be a starter suit. A suit that sacrifices the jet pack, and maybe sensor, to have a built in survival kit and basic tools. This would allow you to spawn in a world without so much as a drop pod and be able to get crude structures up and ruining fairly easily.

It might also be a good addition for when someone wants to go about exploring on foot or in a very small rover and build small landmarks on the way with an empty inventory.

The player would then able to change to the default suit once they build a med bay.

Replies (1)


They could also do similar thing that they did for starting a new world in ME, where you pick up stones so you can make tools, SE can do the same, thing like finding stones to make a shovel and or a pick, to find iron to make a drill etc.

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