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Choice of Camera overlay

Tevis C shared this feedback 2 years ago
Not Enough Votes

Instead of relying on mods that make all cameras look a certain way, add a menu choice.

-Cameras are used for turrets, choice of crosshairs.

--Elevation drop marks

-overlay m/s and maybe a rangefinder to grid ( max 50m?) would be useful for ship docking

--Integrate a camera into connectors

Replies (3)


Having a reticule overlay would be great, and the other ideas too.


I would add if we could have a custom range for the rangefinder for other applications, and if possible, laser targetting, if there is an entity, it could be tagged for other turrets to preemptively target it once it reaches turret range.


Include an option to show artificial horizon (or better, just an arrow pointing to gravity down) in the camera view so we can know which direction our projectiles will fall since turrets are not always aligned with gravity.

If an elevation drop marks overlay is added, make it rotate and stretch with gravity. Looking up or down, the marks should be much closer together than when looking horizontally.

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