2 wide cockpit

Beacon of Wierd shared this feedback 5 years ago

I just now realized that all the small block cockpits are 3 blocks wide. This makes is next to impossible to build good ships that are mirrored along two blocks instead of the "normal" way of having one block be the center. Limits the aesthetics of the ships a lot and makes replicating ships to scale extremely difficult. It's also just weird that we don't have 2 wide cockpits, feels like such a trivial thing.

Replies (2)




It's probably too small for them to get a proper cockpit in. You need the sides of the block and the engineer to fit in, as well as enough space for the assorted screens and conveyor ports. Also, it's a PITA to build with even-numbered sides anyway. I have tons of trouble fitting refineries into my builds (although adding upgrades helps a bit).

I could see them adding a motorcycle-style seat though, for a small ATV or space speeder bike.


The size is not an issue at all. The flightseat is less than 2 blocks wide, it's just in a 3 block "box" with lots of empty space. The engineer is closer to 1 block wide than 2, so there's not much of a space constraint. Though most people might like to build odd-numbered ships it's strange not to give us a cockpit for even-numbered ships when there's a symmetry option for it.

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