Duster block for unwanted ore/stone

Aris Milonas shared this feedback 5 years ago

Hello team, I once saw an abandoned mod online which gave me this idea, usually when mining for ore you get as well stone which overflows the containers. This issue can be solved easily with a sorter and simply eject the stone back to space, unfortunately then you have stones flying all over the place (as physics apply) and of course make the game run "heavier". The Duster block is something that you could place in between, It would crash and turn unwanted material to dust giving an "exhaust" effect (dust of a maximum 1 block long.). Different types of material would give different colours for ex. Iron would give a rust colour. On gravity environments it would give the same effect of a "chimney" as it's only dust.

Replies (4)


I really like this idea, automated drillers or just sloppy mining can produce a lot of stone that really slows down the server to dump. I'd rather the object limit was used for useful things like dropped components than just trying to get rid of stuff. I love the idea of the block spitting out a plume of dust too, that would look really cool.


They aren't doing anything else with stone/gravel... might as well give us a way to destroy it, rather than dump it into space.


Would be nice to have it vanilla. I need to use a mod for this now. On planets stones often roll back into the hole getting cycled over the conveyor system again and again.


if you are referring to Stone Duster, it is not abandoned

...by the original creator, me :)


i cant see this being put in vanilla, its too 'crap' lol

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