IDEA: Year Setting for available blocks

Daniel Strain shared this feedback 4 years ago

What if each block type had a YEAR associated with it, as to when it becomes available in a server? Then, in server setup, this would allow you to select what year you wanted to play in.

Setting the year low would exclude artificial gravity, small ship nuclear reactors, and jump drives.

Setting the year in the mid-range, would give us the blocks we have available now.

Setting to a further future year could make shields, transporters, energy weapons, etc. available.

In addition, if this extra bit was desired, the existing blocks could have different versions in the different years. A "light armor block - 2070" would be destroyed easier than a "light armor block - 2150" for example. An "ion thruster - 2070" would not be nearly as efficient or powerful as "ion thruster - 2300". Jetpacks would also be close to useless on a planet in 2070, but in 2200 be able to fly around quite well in gravity.

This would eliminate the whole conflict over how "sci-fi" we all want Space Engineers to be. The devs could add in all kinds of things, and each server owner could decide for themselves how realistic-vs-sci-fi they want their game to be by selecting a year to play in.

Replies (3)


We barely have enough content to make two year-levels work as it is while both are still playable. I doubt there will be enough content in the near future to justify this.


True. But this is not an idea to take currently available items only, and put them into year categories. It's more about how to go forward with future content in a way that will allow all players to be happy and able to customize their game once that comes. :)


@Daniel Strain : Nice Idea but I think it generates more problems than solves. First is trying to define the year for each block in a way that will work as you describe assumes agreement by players on the year, so nobody will agree and developers won't want to define it or follow it in future blocks. Developers will not want to take the extra time to define if new changes will affect the armor block 2070 the same as the armor block 2150. Server admins can go and change most of the block data to do what you want anyway, if they really need to.

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