[Idea & Suggestion] - New Biome Region for Planets - Stone Pillars

Alexander shared this feedback 4 years ago

From nearly the first time playing space engineers, I wanted to create a large regional urban area with large towers and such for the purposes of having a more interesting environment for atmospheric ship combat.

Because when a ship crashes into the terrain, it always results in the exact same wreck pattern, small or large crater beneath the remaining hulk/ship bits.

There isn't anything interesting for them to crash into, that would make the wreckage pattern different. Nothing to make the exploration of the wreckage interesting (that ocean/water mod as somewhat of an exception).

Unfortunately, buildings made of various blocks can quickly add up to be too PCU intensive.

So I was pleasantly surprised when I saw on 'most popular/recent' on the workshop was [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2195637331]Teralis- City Planet[/url]. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, no ships will naturally spawn, not even with 'Modular Encounter spawner (MES).

This was very disappointing as this looked perfect for atmospheric ship battles and ork invasions.

So I started a creating a small region of my own on Earth. Nothing fancy, just voxel stone towers of varying sizes, bearing some vague resemblance to a city of sorts to serve as a visual example of what I had in mind. (otherwise, google giant stone pillars).


Anyway, so my suggestion is for a new biome of tall stone towers of varying heights, and sizes, with some small mineral nodes in places.

This would give a bit more variety to the landscapes, combat areas and to player survival experiences when they build across the chasms from one tower to another, resource mining, and so on. Bases built a bit differently.

They would also make an elevator to ground level, and likely have a bunker.


Now, as for the ship combat in this new biome.

The pillars don't reach anywhere near where the atmospheric cargo ships spawn and travel.

But during and after ship combat, ships will crash into, wedged between, across and atop of the giant pillars. Some might crash partway through one, such that it the rest of it is sticking out.

Ship parts can be scattered a bit with the pillars.

This makes the wreckage sites and wreckage patterns much more interesting for the player to explore and even fight in.

Players could fight drones or each other with small aircraft between the towers, where the winner is determined by skill and the movement properties/maneuverability of each ship.

(Rough concept mock up of a 'city' version of stone pillars, the environment version would have a density similar to the 'Teralis - City Planet' from steam workshop.)


If this environment type were added, it would be awesome for the above reasons, and bring a bit more variety to survival.

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