Several DLC blocks consume far more 'physical shapes' than similar vanilla counterparts
While building a very large ship I noticed the grated catwalk blocks use 9 physical shapes each, whereas the vanilla catwalks use only 3, and the railings use 3 vs the vanilla cover walls that use just 1.
I would guess this is deliberate so that these newer blocks could have more complex collision boxes, for example, to allow an object to pass through the bars of the railings. However, I think the usefulness of this is very low, how often will something like this matter or be noticed?
If these blocks were to have their collisions simplified, we would get better performance and be able to build larger ships with more railings, etc.
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That's good to keep in mind when building ships, thanks. I'm quite sensitive to "invisible walls" though, so no thumb up for the suggestion. The grated stairs were hard enough to stomach. ^^
That's good to keep in mind when building ships, thanks. I'm quite sensitive to "invisible walls" though, so no thumb up for the suggestion. The grated stairs were hard enough to stomach. ^^
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