Stronger Enemies Implementation Idea

Aidan Reichenberg shared this feedback 4 years ago

I've seen some people asking for stronger enemies in the game. I agree. All the current hostile ships can be taken down easily with a well made gunboat or a single warhead on a missile. However, this issue is rather polarizing. Some people want to build in peace while others are looking for more of a challenge.

I propose that there is a sort of 'boss' fight around the alien planet. Once this 'boss' ship loses power, the game enters hard mode. SPRT ships would then have way more firepower / armor as well as better AI (not just flying in a straight line). The hard mode space pirate ships could also go on the offensive and search for the player's antenna (giving us a reason to use laser antennas and hidden bases).

If we do get a weapons update, the players are going to need something to use the weapons on.

Please Keen,

I need a reason to build my massive battleships in single player survival

Edit: Having mods for a game isn't an excuse to not add better PvE elements.

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