Better Paint Selection

The Yac shared this feedback 5 years ago

Hi guys,

Very often while painting a base or a ship, I've found the ctrl-, shift-, and ctrl-shift- options for painting various sized areas to be imprecise at best and horribly frustrating at worst. With one small modification, I think these tools (and painting in general) would be vastly improved without requiring a massive overhaul of the paint system.

Painting should have a toggle option to only affect the active block in one's hand. While toggled off, painting works as it does now (affecting all blocks). While toggled on, the paint tool only affects the same block type as the active block on the hotbar. In this mode, one could easily paint a hard to reach hydrogen tank without accidentally painting the armor around it, or paint all hydrogen tanks nearby (ctrl-click) or all and only the hydrogen tanks on the entire grid (ctrl-shift-click).

The main benefit of this change would be the all-too-familiar irritation of accidentally painting the wrong part of a grid. Or, worse, not being able to properly reach a visible part of a grid, requiring the player to grind down portions of their build just to get to the pesky block that needs painting.

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