Block groups affecting blocks on other constructions

DMOrigin shared this feedback 5 years ago

Simple example:

You have the same ship twice. Both ships are connected over a ship connector with the base. We want to switch on/off the thrusters. Both ships have the same group "Thrusters". At that moment the other ship connect to the base, both groups are merged into one group. This ends up, that I switch off the thrusters on one ship (that is connected currently) it will switch on the thrusters on the other ship. That's already connected.

Maybe there are some situations where this functionality is useful. So, why there is no switch like "Affect also other constructions". So I have to choose if I want to affect only my ship (in my example) or both ships.

And, why it isn't possible to rename a group? It's annoying to change all key bindings on all action bars.

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