[1.189.020] Small grid Advance Rotor head not working

Elfi Wolfe shared this feedback 6 years ago

Small Grid Advance Rotor head is not passing inventory.

If nothing is attached to head you can access the head and move objects through the head, the rotor into the inventory system. Attach a large cargo to the advance rotor head and nothing will pass through the head from the rotor to cargo or cargo to rotor.

Replies (2)


yep same problem here, even on public test, advanced rotor is unable to pull ores through if connected to anything, i tried with junctions/ conveyors


it seems the bug is back, having similar issues currently. Over 1500 hours of SE experience, many many successful drill set ups with desired results achieved frequently in the past.

After triple checking all connections, reloading the save world and doing my best to rule out human error, I report this as a current bug.

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