[01.189.028 publictest] getting a lot of desync and rubber banding on a DS on LAN
[01.189.028 publictest] getting a lot of desync and rubber banding on a DS on LAN
just trying to cut parts off the lander pod, and walking around it, and im rubber banding, the server is in the other room, there were 6 players connected at the time.
in this video, you can also see some inaccuracy on my walking across the voxel surface, as if it is trying to put me lower, this started when i was crouched and trying to grind, it looks like the server isnt aware that im no longer crouching... and the issue went away when grinding with jetpack, and comes back after landing and using feet.
in this video, you can also see some inaccuracy on my walking across the voxel surface, as if it is trying to put me lower, this started when i was crouched and trying to grind, it looks like the server isnt aware that im no longer crouching... and the issue went away when grinding with jetpack, and comes back after landing and using feet.
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