Welder Warning

PAULO RICARDO SAENGER shared this feedback 6 years ago

Using the welding tool I get a warning of what is missing to finish the block. However, using a ship with a welder, I do not have the same message.

Replies (1)


So you want them to add a message while you in a cockpit with a list of components missing for the welders to complete the blocks thy are working on?

I guess this is possible, no clue what kind of performance we will get with 40 welders on 40 different unfinished blocks, Can imagine the list going to be pretty big.

Also welders are AOE but will only work on 1 block at the time, should it only output for the one its working on or every block inside the AOE?


"AOE"? I just want to know what is missing to finish, like the welder tool does. Now, I open the inventory and look in the cargo and welders.


AOE, Area Of Effect, block welders welds stuff in a area in-front of them but only 1 block at the time. so if 4 blocks are inside the same area it will finish one and then move to the next until all of them are done.

Hand welders are just for the block you are aiming at.

So do we want the block welder to give us info about the block it working on or all the blocks inside its weldable area?


I think just knowing that there are missing parts, even if it is only one block, would be enough.

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