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BEEESSS shared this feedback 22 months ago
Not Enough Votes

Honestly? Just some visual effects would be nice.

Planetfall is kinda lackluster without. I'm sure people have suggested deadly re-entry effects and aerodynamics, but I'd honestly be fine with just some visual flaring. Maybe some camera shaking.

Thanks for reading.

Replies (4)


I'am all in for some visual effects so its just more immersive


The vanilla game has a low speed limit and lacks atmospheric drag. That doesn't allow much cause for re-entry effects, since almost all ships (including some rovers!) are already traveling at maximum speed. At a bare minimum you'd need separate speed limits for atmosphere/space to determine a threshold for re-entry speed.


An increased speed limit would be nice, but Keen's already declined that. I don't think the speed limit necessarily needs to change to simply add some reentry plasma once a ship traveling ~90m/s hits the upper atmosphere. Mostly, I just wanted this for immersion and the visual effects on the aerodynamics and deadly reentry mod are kind of lackluster.


Come to think of it. A ship moves 105m/s when assisted by gravity. could even apply the effects at that point and avoid the whole reentry effects while simply flying thing.

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