4-way Passage block NEEDS to be free, not DLC ( Update 198- Warfare 1 )

Suicide Neil shared this feedback 3 years ago

The 4-way passageway block has been locked behind DLC, but it allows players to build a sealed 1x1 tunnel with junctions and turns that is simply impossible to do with the existing or 2 new ( free ) passage way blocks.

There MUST be a free, vanilla 4-way passageway block added to the game ion order to remove this clear disparity between vanilla and dlc blocks and owner there-of.

Replies (8)


I have to agree, this is something the game has needed since day 1 of the passage.


Absolutely. The vanilla stuff is useless for any purpose other than straight, un-lit corridors.


The DLC should only add varieties of also existing vanilla blocks, and the 4 Way Passage block has to be free for that purpose. This was a promisse made with the first DLC publicated. Hope Keen will keep his word!

Many Greetings



The 4-way passage is nothing more than the original catwalk. Promise not broken.


Nonsense; having to use a fucking catwalk block to try and join passage way segments together is clearly janky bullshit and you know it. The original passageway block is a single piece of a clearly incomplete set of blocks; they re demanding more money for a complete set- wake up and smell the roses kiddo.


Ok, first of all, child, it's not "janky bullshit." The catwalk and 4-way intersection both provide an empty cube volume with 1 airtight side. They are functionally identical. Not sure what else to say about that. You are literally wrong. Your claim is literally "Yes you can do that, but I don't like it." Your complaints are flaccid and insubstantial, and you know it, kiddo.

Second, the DLC is $3.99 USD. This is pocket change. This is less than the cost of 1000 gallons of water utility in Texas. It's less than a cup of coffee from Starbucks. It's less than the cost of running a 100kw lightbulb for 340 hours (roughly an entire month and more if you only used it in the evening when you were awake). It's less than 2 gallons of gasoline. It's roughly the price of a gallon of milk where I am. It is roughly 1/3 the price of a case of bottled water. It is roughly the price of a "value meal" at McDonald's. It's less than a single expansion pack of Magic the Gathering cards, and the same price as a cheap set of polyhedral dice. $3.99 is roughly a half hour (33 minutes) of work at the current US minimum wage. In short, it's negligible. If $3.99 is a financial burden to you, then don't get the DLC.

Third, I suspect you are upset "on principle," which is laughable because your complaints distil down to "I don't like how they did it." Look at your other response to me, it was "why did it take so long," "why do I feel this way," and "why did they do this instead of that" -- none of which are legitimate complaints and none of which are even specifically relevant to this update, this DLC, or your initial charge of "hiding functionality behind a paywall." You are literally just whining. I have pointed out on several occasions how your complains about "functionality locked behind DLC" are not valid arguments because every time I have identified a vanilla block that has the same functionality. But your response is generally "but I don't like that cry"

Based on the volume of your rantings and the level of vitriol within, I'm going to guess you are probably a child, and you have no job / no income, and probably still live at home. Anyone that is supporting themselves would see that $3.99 is a negligible thing to get upset over, and if they didn't like it, they just wouldn't buy it. (Note, this isn't $3.99 a day, a week, or even a month -- it's roughly every 3 months, so we're talking roughly 25 cents a week.)

Also, don't tell me you're "still in college" because I don't believe you. $3.99 to a "poor college student" is less than 1 drink at the bar or 1 bottle of liquor from a booze shop -- both of which "poor college students" somehow manage to routinely find money for every weekend.

Btw, I'd also like to see what sort of abomination build you think "leverages" these "pay to win" passages into some sort of game-breaking dominant strategy over people without the DLC. But there isn't any. There isn't some sort of "all passages" ship that's going to dominate players in PvP, or overwhelm NPCs, or undermine the core system loops of the game.

You are literally just an entitled whining child screaming at the adults because you wanted 3 scoops of ice cream instead of 2.

You can respond if you want, but I'm not going to read it. I'm just tired of seeing verbal diarrhea from you (and people like you) flooding every discussion and feedback area for SE, so I was compelled to say something. I'm going back to work now, where in the next few minutes, I'll have made enough to purchase the next DLC. Have fun in your mom's basement.


Using a CATWALK BLOCK to take the place of a clearly missing PASSAGEWAY BLOCK is nonsense- even Stevie Wonder can see the problem with that- spare me your apologetics for Keen's money-grubbing behaviour and lack of foresight when deciding what blocks to add.

The cost of the DLC was never the problem, it's the fact they promised to include all future updates in the original price and then back-tracked as soon as they realised there was more money to be made; plenty of other game devs have provided free dlc content and updates/improvements, so why can't keen?

You don't get to decide what counts as 'legitimate complaints'- your opinion is just as worthless as mine if that's what it boils down to, but I am clearly not alone as there have been countless complaints about all aspects of SE's development over the last 7+ years. Therefore, by that metric you are in the minority with your sycophantic attitude :)

I'm actually nearly 40 and have a full time job and my own home; your pathetic ad-hominem attacks and attempts to undermine the points I make are highly amusing but entirely without merit- it only serves to show you can't make a good counter argument so you feel the need to attack me personally instead. How small you are.

You are also making very weak strawman arguments by insisting I said something I didn't; I've never said the dlc blocks were 'pay to win'- they are 'pay to build' however, and SE is indeed a block-building game just in case it escaped your attention.

You're lucky I bothered to read your reply- all of your points are so poorly reasoned and easily invalidated it was barely worth my time to instantly destroy them.


Can I just say.. this is a game and non of your arguments mean anything or will really change anything. No offence, but you should find something better to do with your time there's no need for throwing insults around in a harmless topic thread. You might think it's overpriced or whatever, someone else thinks it's fine... at the end of the day it's your money you can do what you want.


I agree with Neil and I feel like non-gimmicky quality of life blocks like the 4 way passage should be free while cosmetic and very situational blocks like the passage light should stay DLC


I disagree with the original issue. The four-way passage does not provide anything that the flat catwalk does not already provide. They both provide a cube with 5 open and 1 "airtight" side. There is no need for this block to be moved from DLC to vanilla.


You're thinking about it wrong; it's such an obvious missing block/ set of blocks ( junctions, corners, sloped passage ways etc etc that the old mod pack addresses ), you have to ask yourself:

1) why did it take 7+ years to add some new blocks, most of which are locked behind dlc

2) why does this still feel incomplete as a set of blocks

3) why did they add new passageway blocks when they could have just updated the existing ones _ added a few new ones?

The catwalk block does work , but it doesn't address any of those points, and it's clearly another mis-step by Marek with his comical notions about functional vs cosmetic, and is another example of breaking his promise to not lock useful blocks behind dlc. This is literally a block-building game, and they're asking us to pay to build, which is wrong- other games can provide updates & dlc without charging extra for it, so what is so special about SE that people defend the devs for doing so?


Those are reasonable questions to ask. But they are not the issue you stated in your original report, which was that the new blocks provide functionality that is unavailable from vanilla blocks. That issue is not a valid complaint, as I stated in my original response.

Everything you mention here is basically "it's not the way I think it should be." This is certainly a valid perspective to discuss, but it is not a legitimate justification for moving a cosmetic block that duplicates a vanilla block function, from DLC to vanilla.


While I disagree that the Passage 3 set should be free, it's only because I think that they should have at the very least added T and Corner passage to the set. At this point I consider the Passage Intersections mod mandatory because it offers a ton of good passages that the base game severely lacks. Keen adding more passages, but still mostly only making the exact same passages as before, but with a reskin, honestly feels lazy.

I mainly buy the DLC to support the devs, due to the 1000+ hours played, but if I was buying it for the actual content, then I would definitely demand more.


They need to update the old passage design and the new free design with the same stuff that the dlc design has to make it ok to be behind a pay wall. That way the dlc just gives you the same blocks just diffrent style and for some one like me that has the dlc i don't want to mix styles just to have a complete hallway


Well, they added some new passageway blocks in yesterday's hotfix ( T-junction, corner and one with a window ); all locked behind the DLC pay-to-build wall with ZERO provision made to update/add-to the existing and non-matching singular passage way block, despite so many other people sharing the same thoughts and concerns.

Fuck you Marek, fuck you.

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