Remove extra blocks

Micle shared this feedback 6 years ago

Keen constantly complains that the game already has a lot of blocks and this hinders its development.

There are many duplicate blocks. Light armor and heavy armor are the same shape.

The seat, cockpit carry the same functionality.

We must be able to modernize the block during the game.

When we build a block we increase its strength. What prevents us during the construction of a conventional armor block to upgrade to heavy ??? Each block should have a whole tree of types of upgrades!

Take for example a chair. We put the chair, modernize the block - we get a chair with a control unit. Further we modernize the block - we can put the monitor in it big or small. We get a control panel with a monitor of the player’s choice. Further we modernize the block - we receive an armored cabin.

Behind this block we install the same modernized block. We get a double cockpit and there is a place for the navigator!

I ask the players to speak - because they are the boss of the company!

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Replies (20)


What are the advantages - visually there will be fewer blocks in the menu.

You can add your own branches of the modernization of blocks

Due to the modification, it will be possible to change the property of the block.

You can also change the behavior.

For example, the rotor, machine gun and rocket launcher have a common element - this is the base.

And in the menu we only have a rotor. Put the rotor. We are upgrading the block - we have a platform to choose from, a rocket launcher or a machine gun.


When you make branches of modernization for blochks armor, lay the properties - protection from thermal damage and kinetic damage.


I think there should be just one block and a stick to hit it with.... the perfect game.


Well Marek once said there was too many ores for new people to understand in a video...

I guess we could simplify that also - stone or iron. Which one will you mine today.


So idea is to actually remove some blocks?


The idea is to remove blocks from the construction menu.I propose to transfer the functionality of these blocks to the remaining blocks during their construction and modernization. In principle, for each block you can make a tree of modernization, just as we build a block, it takes on a different look.


I see, can you give me some specific example of such a tree for some existing block?


the simplest example

normal block - reinforced block - heavy armor

Its shape is preserved - changing appearance

seat - seat with monitor - cockpit - armored cockpit

rotor without a head - add a head - add a turret

I rely on your engineering fantasy


remove blocks, are you fucking serious? :D


Nikolas March

absolutely serious

Beginners difficult to understand

First, the blocks must be systematized.

At the moment, it will remind as if all the Lego cubes were poured on the floor.

Secondly, developers do not want to introduce changes due to the fact that there are already a lot of blocks


I also propose to remove the battery units.Instead, use small, medium and large containers filled with batteries and connected to the network via the container menu.


geez, after you are done with it, it will no longer be space engineers :D

the game is only difficult to understand for new players now, is because back then we had great interactive tutorials, address that issue first, dont change the whole damn game!

and 'a lot of blocks' is pretty much just the devs thoughts, most of the community feels SE does not have enough blocks, please get off of here stop trying to ruin the game for everyone that has already bought played and loved it.


I'm not saying that the game does not need a lot of blocks.

I argue that developers have no strategy to increase the range of blocks to 1000 species and makes it very limited.

I propose one of the strategies to increase the range by hiding the functionality in the initial blocks in blocks with the subsequent construction of a block modernization tree. When we add a block, we add only a branch to the block development tree.


thats a large change to the game, block building has worked as it has done for 5 years, change that it wont be space engineers after its done, and the game is close to being finished, gotta keep the ideas simple


How does this say under consideration? just ... no

What you're asking is for keen to remove blocks and allow modders to add more blocks to replace them.

The whole light - reinforced - heavy armor thing might be good, but the rest is... well... stupid.

If anything it's simpler- to just add the reinforced armor block to the scroll list...

I get what you're going for, but it won't really do much in terms of performance so I think it's pointless.

Getting rid of the super bright emissive blue cockpits and seats however...


I read the title and thought NO WAY!

But somehow this is interesting, because ultimately there would likely be more blocks, but in packages.

This would also add progression / tech tree to the game.

The basic (and obvious) examples are:

- Armor:



- cockpit:

>passanger seat

-> flight seat

--> control seat

-> cockpit

--> fighter cockpit

-> cryo chamber

There are two aspects contained: stat upgrades and feature upgrades.

Stat upgrades like light armor -> heavy armor can be done for every block easily and intuitively.

Feature upgrades are interesting, too in my opinion, but lead to an essential question: Should everything start from one block?

In my opinion, there should be one Block for every function that is upgradable.

function examples are:

- armor

- cargo storage

- gas storage

- player storage (seat, ...)

- thrust

- tool utilities

- cargo transport

- power production

- power storage

- ...

Including the different shapes of course.

They have different feature upgrade potential of course.

To sum it all up:

I really like the idea of (even) more customizability. I am not sure however, if rotors and turrets fit in one category. Stat upgrades would be great on many blocks, there are even mods out there adding this to thrusters and ship tools. Feature upgrades however should be added cautiously, because they can cause as much chaos as they can cause order. Feature upgrades would have to be at least listed in the block description to optimize the use of this idea.

Finally I would say Go Ahead! This can be done right.


The problem I see with this very cool concept would be when buiding ships from projections, how do you suggest we solve this issue if we have to weld a ship on a welder wall and its made of lots of heavy armor and control seats and other internal components that are "upgraded" versions of their basic ones?


perhaps make it so that projections are set, or that ship welders cant weld to any level higher than what the projector has dictated, turn the projector off and boom its now your ship upgrade as you see fit


If I'm understanding this right... You want many blocks to be removed and replaced with upgrades?

Sounds like a cool idea at first glance. The benefits are obvious for light/heavy armor for sure. The interior turret thing is kinda weird though, and I can't see this working well at all with printers.

I can see this working with research and a tech tree, but I think this would get pretty complicated, especially, for example, the durability of a block halfway welded from light to heavy armor.

TL;DR: Doesn't have my vote until you can figure out a way for printer compatibility and not have building anything by hand take forever.


While I do like the idea of being able to upgrade existing light armor blocks to heavy armor blocks (or downgrade heavy to light)... in general, I don't think an upgrade system like this would do anything to improve performance or make the game any more user-friendly. Doesn't seem worth it to me.


Nah, this does nothing to 'remove blocks'- all this does is complicate building them to start with. What we need is a cleaned up G menu to make finding similar blocks easier, by grouping them together more efficiently with sub-menus.


Absolutely 👍


I like the idea of upgrading armour... but implementing the upgrading process in a easier to use manner would be near impossible. Accessing some armour blocks to upgrade them may require removing obstructing blocks.

Upgrading non armour blocks is a good idea, but it shouldn’t be a linear progression. For instant having a standard fighter cockpit and having to choose between more displays, more armour or more visibility allows for more varied ships and gameplay.

I disagree with the too many blocks point. The issue is poor organisation of blocks as a result of the current interface being designed for less blocks than we have now.


If anything, I'd like to be able to replace a block while maintaining all of its settings and hotbars fro cockpits/seats. How many times you had to remove the cockpit becasue you are changing a block that it is attached to and then you have a tedious process to set all the hotbar actions again. Or when removing wheels/rotors/anything. It would be just a cool option to save thos parameters somewhere (like a datapad) and then restore back in a new block.

As for replacing some types of blocks with others (light armor to heavy) it seems like belonging to creative mode. Anything that can improve creative build is very well needed.

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