(Suggestion) Breathe new life into the core of SE

SangurianSoul shared this feedback 4 years ago

I love SE, I do. I've been playing since day 1 on the PC.

But one problem I have always had building my ships is how blocky they were. It is so difficult to get a good looking slope. Making it nearly impossible to build more streamline looking ships. Everything still looks like its made out of Legos despite the more realistic art style of the game

Now, 1.197 saw 11 new blocks. This was amazing. FINALLY after years of having to build around certain shapes, I can fill the gaps and bridges between places far more cleanly. And as awesome as that is, (and I have had a lot of fun with it) it doesn't do much to alleviate the overall blocky appearance.

Then, I stumbled onto a game called Starship EVO. I know, I know. A lot of SE Youtubers went over it. I'm not on Youtube. So I only found it recently.

While in its still young stages of gameplay, what blew me away was the block placement. Everything starts as the basic 1x1x1 like SE, but you can then stretch it in all three dimensions individually to a max of 16x16x16. This is incredible. Completely changed how I would approach building a ship compared to SE. All three of these shapes started as the 1x1x1 corner block.


EVO also allows for seamless integration between Large Blocks and Small blocks, because everything uses small grid coordinates. You can see the white crosses, indicating the larges grid, but al the small points in between showing the small grid.


Now, EVO was all done in Unity by a single person. Which is awesome, and I support the artist and his efforts.

But could you imagine what we could build in SE if we had this ability? Now, there would be some things that change yes, for example:

- The health of the block would scale as it stretches. Thus, as it is bigger, its tougher to destroy. However, you also run the issues of it being destroyed, leaving that much bigger of a hole in your ship, or damaging even more of the surrounding blocks in the process.

- The textures can tile with the block as it scales, as the blocks in SE already will share their textures in a like-minded surface.

- Heavy and Light armors would remain separate blocks. Their weights, of course, scaling to the new size as well.

- Also, do to the scaling, and even the possible integration of a new grid system, you would only need the block shapes we have now (possibly not even all of them) to replicate any other shape we have now and more.

- One of the biggest aspects of this, is how seamless the building is, and how little lag there is for building these ships, even with large ships using small ship grids. This could possibly also solve the "compound block issue" we have been asking for for years.

- - -Because, if all large blocks communicated in a small grid system, that their sides are 5x5 small blocks, then things like button panels and interior lights would only take up their space in small block grid concept. A button panel would be 5x1x3. An interior light would be a 1x1x1, with a flatter hitbox. But, this would allow them to share the same old 'large grid space'.

- Now, EVO also does scaling with its thrusters, reactors, jump drives, and shield generators. While I think possible thruster scaling would solve a lot of ship building problems as well, I don't really see a need for the other things, though I certainly wouldn't complain.

Space Engineers has grown considerably in the last seven years. It is also capable of things now that I don't think any of us had imagined it to be able to do at its birth. But I think, now, after seven years, its time to take a look back at where the game first started. What made it special. It started as a sandbox ship builder. I think its time we gave the core aspect of the game some love, and breathe new life into it.

Doing that, I think would do far more for the game than another planet, DLC, or new aesthetic blocks, for years to come.

Replies (2)


SE uses its own engine. Large grid sizes are much easier on processing power, especially in large-scale collisions. Additionally, block shapes already seem to have issues. A good example is the Medical Room, which has a 2x2x1 grid footprint despite taking up only three of those four spaces on the grid.

At this point, it seems more likely for a sequel to happen with a better game engine that supports better block variability than for these kinds of changes to the game engine that force reworking of practically all existing content.


I understand and agree with you. Keen's engine is aging and isn't keeping up well with the constantly evolving gaming world.

This was more of a 'for the future of Space Engineers' thought rather than purely advancing the current version.


Does anyone else have any thoughts? Am I dreaming too big?

I just feel something like this would truly make SE king of its genre.

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